Does Your Relationship Uplift You?

Does Your Relationship Uplift You?

She was happy... My client had finally decided to leave her husband. And after she made that difficult decision, a peaceful energy surrounded her and the logic of why it made sense to leave that unhealthy relationship became clear. "The revelation that it's time to end this marriage was beautiful. I'm super, super excited," she said. "I rejoiced....

The Confident Diviner

The Confident Diviner

The question came to me from a student diviner earlier this week. “When did you begin to realize that the orisas were communicating with you through divination?” He asked the question because he was struggling with something many diviners struggle with - self doubt. I wished more diviners would open up because the battle with self-doubt isn’t...

Song For Osun

Song For Osun

The sun was slowly descending when I spoke to Indra. She lives in Denmark and the further north you go it's the land of the midnight sun, she says. By the tip of Norway, it's bright until midnight. But winters there are the "darkest of dark". And that's one of the reasons why this gifted vocalist is looking forward to moving back to the U.S....

Stepping Into The Unknown

Why do you think your dream not attainable? Or why do you think you'll never get support for your vision? When I began the journey toward my film in 2008, I never imagined that I would be invited to speak at Harvard University one day. But it happened. Even though my film is not finished yet. (You can see a clip of my presentation below.) I'm...

Five Tips For Learning Yoruba

Five Tips For Learning Yoruba

So you want to learn Yoruba? The truth is that it's not as difficult as most Westerners make it out to be. In fact, if you can say Sango, or Ifa or Alaafia, there's absolutely no reason why you can't learn conversational Yoruba. You just have to make the effort to step your game up. If it's not impossible to learn Yoruba...

On The Mat With Baba Femi

On The Mat With Baba Femi

It's 10:30 a.m. and I'm on the phone waiting to interview Baba Femi in Texas. But a client has just dropped by to pick up ose dudu (spiritual soap) and Femi must attend to him first. Femi explains how to bathe with the soap but the conversation doesn't end there. Next, Femi talks to the client about Ifa ceremonies - "The Warriors" and the "Hand...

The Road To Empowerment

The Road To Empowerment

The ancestors are not there to give you what you want... But they'll make sure you get what you need. Think about it. Why should they give you what you want when they know (and you know) you could do much better? Way better? The Egungun (ancestors) are there to look after your highest interest. Is that relationship you're whining about...

Wildflowers In The Mountains

Wildflowers In The Mountains

The answer floated into my head out of nowhere... And the answer was wildflowers - wildflowers in the mountains. Akosua, my client, asked me for a ritual she can do in the mountains with her daughters, Christine and Jennifer. Spirit told me to suggest wildflowers. But I struggled with that answer. I was worried Akosua wouldn't think the...

Battle With The Witches

Battle With The Witches

The fight is on... A nasty battle in the Spirit World, but my elders in Nigeria say we'll win. That's what my friend, Ade Kunle, revealed to me on a gorgeous Sunday in Oakland. "We have to fight the ajes (witches)," he told me in Yoruba. This was not the kind of conversation I was hoping to have on a lovely Sunday afternoon. I just wanted a...

The Path To True Wealth

The Path To True Wealth

The email I received via Facebook sounded desperate... "I need you to help me have financial freedom...pleaseeeeeeee," wrote my new FB friend. He wanted me to consult Ifa to find out how he can be wealthy and successful in business. The email bothered me a little bit. But I wrote him back right away and said I would be happy to divine for him and...