Visit From The Old Man
The old man came for a visit a few nights ago... He came in my dreams, the way ancestors often do, because that's when we're most receptive. Baba Epega didn't stay long. I guess he had other things to do in the Other World. After all, an Awo's (diviner's) work is never done - not even on the Other Side. Baba Epega was a world authority on Ifa; he...

Reflecting on Robin
Like the rest of the world I was shocked by the tragic passing of Robin Williams... In a culture that worships fame, money and success, it's easy to lose sight of two facts: money doesn't buy happiness and never will; money doesn't always buy mental health. "Williams' death is a wake-up call - depression is no laughing matter," says Eve Meyer,...

Following Love
I recently brought two souls together in a wedding ceremony on the beach. It was a new beginning for them, but it was also a new beginning for me because it was my very first wedding ceremony as an Ifa priest. They felt honored and I felt honored! As I spoke to friends and family of the couple gathered in a semi-circle in the sand, the...

Finding Your Sacred Story
I've been talking to my friend, Keisha, a lot lately! We're working on ideas for my upcoming film, Across The King's River. Keisha is a poet, writer and story consultant. We're trying to nail down what's driving the main characters in my film and why. See, when you're working on a documentary film, you just don't take off somewhere and start...

Listen The First Time
I lost my first client... I did my first and last divination for her a few months ago. Last weekend, I got the blow. Her mom called to day that this brilliant, young woman who had so much to offer this world is no longer with us. She collapsed suddenly and died. I couldn't believe it. Still can't believe it. Her sudden death was yet another...

Crazy Or Not Crazy?
Crazy or not crazy? In this provocative article written by Stephanie Marohn, African shaman Malidoma Some offers a spiritual view of mental illness. You can read the full article here: In Dagara culture, "mental illness signals the birth of a healer," says Malidoma Patrice Somé. "Thus, mental disorders are spiritual emergencies, spiritual crises,...

Secrets from Prison
Here's the link to the most recent Across The King's River Newsletter. And you can sign up for monthly inspirational newsletters at the link below. It's free!! Sign Up NowFor Email Newsletters you can trust. Blessings, Until The Divine Brings Us Together Again James Weeks Producer/Across The King's River

Change And Transformation
Here's the deal... The very thing that will take you to your next level of spiritual growth, or business growth or intellectual growth is not going to feel comfortable. But you have to push on anyway. Do the thing that you've been resisting. And once you do it, do it again and again until it becomes a way of life. But that's only if you want to...

The Truth About Your Legacy
Greetings! Here's the link to the most recent Across The King's River newsletter: If you enjoy the daily FB posts and the blogs, sign up for the free monthly inspirational newsletter: http://conta.cc/1pAusQs Here's the link to sign up below: Sign Up NowFor Email Marketing you can trust.

Are You Taking Your Medicine?
Are you taking your medicine? No! Not Western medicine! African ritual medicine! As a professional Ifa diviner based in Oakland, California, I sometimes struggle when it comes time to explain the importance of ritual (ebo) to both new and old clients. Luckily, my Yoruba friend, Olushola, recently helped me out. "Just tell them that it's like...