Hershaba and KC Hallet

Hershaba and KC Hallet

I recently brought two souls together in a wedding ceremony on the beach.

It was a new beginning for them, but it was also a new beginning for me because it was my very first wedding ceremony as an Ifa priest.

They felt honored and I felt honored!

Invoking the ancestors

Invoking the ancestors

As I spoke to friends and family of the couple gathered in a semi-circle in the sand, the inspiration for my talk came from the sea.

To me, the sea represents new life and the journey into the unknown.

And anytime you follow love you’re venturing into the unknown…

Can’t love anyone or anything from a safe place and expect to get somewhere.

You’ve got to take some risks.

And this brings me to you! Are you taking risks or are you playing it safe?

If you’re playing it safe, how is that working for you? Are you happy?

I’m not merely talking about relationships, I’m talking about connecting with what you love or who you love in a powerful way that makes you feel alive again.

Bob Marley sang: “Who feels it, knows it.” Igbeyawo 9

It’s true. When you’re in the love zone no one has to tell you. You know; you feel.

And it’s contagious! I was in a love zone as I performed that wedding ceremony! I’m still glowing!

If you’re feeling stuck, ask yourself what inspires you or who inspires you these days and move in that direction.

Don’t think about it; FEEL what your soul is saying.

Inspiration is the voice of Spirit speaking to you. Listen to that voice. Follow the love and surrender to the force.

Something powerful awaits you in the unknown!


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James Weeks

Producer/Across The King’s River