I was a guest on Remembering Our Way Home recently…

It’s a new podcast series hosted by Nadirah Goldsmith, and you can check out our conversation here: Podcast Interview

Nadirah kicked off the interview by asking about my first profound experience with an ancestor. I’ll never forget the year nor the moment.

…It happened in San Francisco in 2002 — that was the year a famous medium made it clear that my deceased grandmother had important messages for my son.

The messages were powerful and clear.

I wrote about my experience in Meditations Across The King’s River. It forever changed the way I viewed life and death. It changed my son too.

And It gave me the boost of confidence that what I had been learning in African spiritual traditions is true — our ancestors are indeed around us, and can guide and interact with us if we are open to the signs.

My son and I still talk about our experience with grandma even though it happened 19 years ago.

Here’s the thing, I don’t believe some of us receive messages and others don’t. But I do believe some are more aware and receptive than others.

How can you become more receptive to the subtle messages from the Other World? I always tell clients that a consistent spiritual practice is the foundation. You need to make yourself available for divine communication on a daily basis.

And remember that your connection to your guides is a relationship — it’s a two way street. We can’t approach the ancestors with a list of demands. They are guides; not magicians.

Be open to how messages might come to you.

While some folks might receive ancestral messages through dreams, there are countless ways your ancestors might be attempting to communicate with you. I almost never dream. For me, my guidance tends to come in the form of inspiration.

I like to keep things simple. I trust my intuition, and I follow inspiration. Don’t overthink it — keep it moving.

Let me know if you’ve been receiving messages lately, and how they have been impacting you.

In the meantime, feel free to check out my my short interview with Nadirah, Here’s the link, once again. Remembering Our Way Home

I’ve been quiet lately, but I’ll be sharing more things with you very soon.

Be safe until we talk again. Respond to this newsletter, and I’ll write you as soon as I can.


James Weeks

Author Meditations Across The King’s River

P.S. Still available for Spiritual Readings.

P.S.S. Signed copies of my book are still available