You can’t miss your road, my friend.

…That’s what I’ve come to realize. Your road is your purpose or the spiritual messages your ancestors are sending to you.

I’m telling you this because as I work with clients, many are not sure if they’re receiving spiritual messages on their own.

Yes, it can be challenging, but here’s the thing you ARE connected to Spirit, and your loved ones ARE trying to communicate with you, more often than you realize.

And here’s the good news. If you miss a message, they’ll try to send it again, or in a different way.

The analogy I like to use these days when describing how spiritual communication works is GPS technology. If you’re using GPS, and you miss your exit, GPS will reroute you another way.

If you screw up again, as we often do — not to worry — GPS will reroute you again.

GPS always has another option for you, and guess what? Our loved ones in Spirit will give us other opportunities to receive messages if we miss them the first time.

The ancestors have your back. They don’t give up on you — their job is to make sure you won’t miss the road.

Your job is to be open, willing, and disciplined.

And here’s more good news. If you don’t get the message on your own, they will often send the message through someone else.

That’s what happened to my Jamaican friend, Nicole, last week. She bought land on the Caribbean island of St. Croix earlier this year and has been worrying about how she’ll come up with the money to build her house.

As she sat quietly, staring into space, stressing about her finances, all of a sudden her boyfriend, Francis, said, “I want you to listen to what I’m going to tell you. Let the house come to you. Stop stressing about it. It will come.”

In that moment, Nicole realized Spirit was speaking through Francis. “It wasn’t him talking,” she says. “It was a different spirit I’ve never heard before.”

I love Nicole’s story.

Here’s the thing. I know you’re receiving messages too. Everyone gets messages because everyone is a spiritual being. Some of us, however, are better at it than others or may have developed it to a high level over the years.

Pay attention. The subtle messages or signs are definitely there. In time, with practice, you can decipher them. Granted, how messages come to me, might be different to how it happens for you. But they’ll come.

One more tip. If you don’t have a consistent spiritual practice, start one, because in time you’ll become more receptive to divine communication.

Brightest Blessings To You And Your Family

James Weeks

P.S. Still available for spiritual readings

P.P.S. If you would like to purchase an autographed copy of my book, Meditations Across The Kings River, email me at