I was a guest on the radio show, Broken Wings, last week…

This was the third interview since I launched my book in December.
…Broken Wings is hosted by my friend Julie Macdonald; she’s a reverend and spiritual leader on the east coast.

You can download the interview here. (It might take a few minutes to download because it’s a large mp3 file). Here’s the link: Broken Wings Interview.

I was on the show to talk about my book, Meditations Across The King’s River.

One of the first things Julie mentioned is how tough it is to deal with adversity, and how easy it is to forget that facing adversity is part of the challenge of following your purpose.

I talk about this in my book too…

While I think it’s true that the universe will support you as you speak your truth and attempt to live a life of meaning and purpose.

It’s also true that you will face opposition sooner or later. Not everyone will support who you are and what you’re about.

Sometimes the people you think you can count on the most, will let you down. Has this happened to me? Yes, of course. Will it happen to you? Count on it. (But remember that it’s normal).

So how do you get through what you’re going through right now, and stay on track withwhat at you feel called to do or what you promised you would do?

Here’s what works for me…

  1. Focus on who you feel called to serve instead of yourself. The mission must be greater than yourself.
  2. Take one step at at time and enjoy each step of the journey. You can’t do it all at once.
  3. Understand that the people who won’t support you will help you understand and and appreciate who DOES support you.
  4. Maintain a daily spiritual practice and eat a sensible diet. You can’t function with a broke down body or a broke down spirit.

Here’s what I want you get as you listen to the interview, Barbara. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Stay in the game. You can get through this.

Challenges will come and challenges will go. Haters will come and haters will go.

But you can get through this. Now is not the time to give up.
Feel free to write to tell me what you’re going through and I will respond as soon as possible.

Talk soon!
P.S. Don’t forget to download the interview. You’ll find it helpful.
P.S. If you would like a signed copy of my book, email me at james@acrossthekingsriver.com, and let me know if you prefer to purchase a softcover cover or a hard cover.

All my love!
James WeeksMeditations Across The King’s River