The answer floated into my head out of nowhere…

©Photo by and courtesy of  Frank Kee

©Photo by and courtesy of Frank Kee

And the answer was wildflowers – wildflowers in the mountains. Akosua, my client, asked me for a ritual she can do in the mountains with her daughters, Christine and Jennifer.

Spirit told me to suggest wildflowers.

But I struggled with that answer. I was worried Akosua wouldn't think the ritual was African enough, or Yoruba enough, or complicated enough.

So I flipped through two books on Orisa-inspired rituals to see if something else spoke to my Spirit. When nothing else did, I went with the wildflowers idea.

“Get three packets of different wildflower seeds,” I told her via email. “When you get to the mountains, take out the seeds and pray to them. Then, toss them in the air and ask the universe to nurture them and allow them to germinate.”

“The seeds represent your deepest wishes,” I explained. “And when you release them, you are symbolically handing everything over to God and the ancestors. You've done your part. Now let God and the ancestors do theirs.”

I sent the email off to Akosua…



But when she didn't write back immediately I began to worry that my idea did not resonate with her after all.

There was no need to worry. This is what she said:

“Well now James…did you pick this up from me ~ or did I pick it up from you ~ or is it simply that our Ancestors and the universe is placing it in both our spirits as confirmation? Last night and this morning, the song, Wildflower was in my spirit. I have been humming it all night and even early this morning. I absolutely enjoy planting SEEDS! So this ritual is totally PERFECT in ways you can't begin to imagine!”

“The other reason your ritual choice is powerful, is because a few years ago (because I love flowers so much) one of my friends asked me which flower did I liken myself to? As with my nature, I had to do some research before I named one. After looking at pictures of flowers and reading about them, I chose one. It was the PROTEA that resonated with my spirit! It's a fascinating wildflower that originates in South Africa. The thing that made me choose it is the fact that even after forest fires, this flower will blossom again! Its seeds/bulbs are kept in a very strong stem and embedded deep inside the earth … the heat from the fire actually causes it to germinate! When I read that, I immediately said ~ “that's me! So yes, this ritual is intriguing for many, many reasons.”

Christine and Jennifer

Christine and Jennifer

Akosua's response blew me away. You see, we often forget: 1. The power of our own Spirit. 2. To let Spirit guide our rituals. 3. Rituals can be original. 4. We don't have to do rituals exactly the same way folks do them in Africa or anywhere else. 5. The Spirit of the land has something to say and should also inspire our rituals. Rituals can be simple yet powerful. Spirit has no limitations.”

In the end, the wildflowers ritual was not only for Akosua, it was meant for me. I had an important lesson to learn. Just like she needed to release the seeds and trust the universe would nurture them, I need to release whatever Spirit gives me to share without questioning it.

I know this ritual also has a message for you. Spirit has given you the answer you've been looking for. Listen to it – trust it! – James Weeks/ Producer Across The King's River