My book, Meditations Across The King’s River, was featured in the international media recently.

Not only was it featured in the Associated Press and on ABC and NBC affiliates, it was also featured in news outlets in Asia.

When this happened, I closed my eyes and mentally traveled all the way back to Nigeria, West Africa, where my journey in the Ifa spiritual tradition began back in 2003.

…That’s when my elders told me one day, I would be recognized for the spiritual work I am doing.

Even though they told me this, I found it hard to believe them because there was so much stress and chaos in my life at the time. I could barely think of the future because my present was so rocky.

…But I knew I had to keep moving. I had no choice.

And I knew I had to face my fears. 1. Fear of losing my job. 2. Fear my family would fall apart. 3. Fear I would lose my home when hard times hit. 4. Fear of rejection.

My path has not been easy, but here’s what I now realize. I had nothing to fear because my ancestors had bigger plans for my life. I believe your ancestors have bigger plans for your life too, even though you might not know what the plan is.

My journey has taught me so many things and trust me when I say that I’m still learning.

  1. Believe in your vision and keep moving forward even if others doubt or criticize you.
  2. Maintain a daily spiritual practice to keep you emotionally grounded so you can think clearly.
  3. Avoid distractions. Be mindful of bad habits that can lead you off track.
  4. Get a mentor and listen to what your mentor has to say. Mentorship is the key to growth.
  5. Be disciplined. Be patient. Be consistent. Success never happens overnight.

I’m not sure what you’re going through right now, but I believe you can get through your challenges and find success.

Most people give up on their dreams too soon, and too easily. Don’t let this happen to you. Don’t give up. Face your fears. The changes you are seeking in your life won’t manifest until you do.

I’m here to support you. Your loved ones in Spirit are guiding you too. Have confidence. I know what I’m talking about.

This is all for now. Feel free to write and I will respond asap. Wishing you a great week.

All the love

James Weeks

Author Meditations Across The King’s River

P.S. Still available for spiritual readings.

P.S.S. Signed copies of my book are still available.