We gathered in the living room before dinner last night, and asked three of our grandchildren what they’re grateful for.

It was cold outside, but it was warm inside. Thank God the heater is working.

Anyways, the little ones had something to say. I can’t remember all of their comments. Must be getting old. One said love, one said family, one said food.

I was grateful we could be together…

2019 has been a challenging year for so many people, including me. But it’s also been a year of spiritual growth and many blessings. But it sure wasn’t easy.

What are you grateful for? And who are you grateful for?

It’s so easy to lose sight of what’s important and who’s important.

…Especially when things feel like an uphill battle.

That’s where faith and wisdom comes in…

Recently, one of my mentors said we must have faith that the right doors are opening in our lives and the wrong doors are closing. And it doesn’t stop there. We must also have faith that the right people are coming into our lives and that the wrong people are leaving.

Another mentor said, “slow motion is better than no motion.” I love it. You might not be where you want to be in life right now, but as long as you keep working on yourself daily and keep moving in the direction of your dreams, that’s all that matters.

I’m grateful for the small things, the small wins, the small victories, and the spiritual insights that comes from adversity and the many tests that life brings.

I’m also grateful for you and your presence in my life.

Please know that I’m sending good energy to you and your family as we get closer and closer to 2020.

If you write, I will definitely write back.

Talk soon
All my love.
P.S. Still available for spiritual readings. P.P.S. If you would like a signed copy of my book, email me at james@acrossthekingsriver.com, and let me know if you prefer to purchase a softcover cover or a hard cover.

James Weeks Meditations Across The King’s River