
There is power in faith…

That’s what my eldest son, Malcolm, was saying the other day.

We were in his truck, on our way to buy a new water heater for our home, when our spiritual conversation began.

I listened, and I smiled, and I wanted to share.

Malcolm and Jakari

If you know our story, or if you’ve read my book, Meditations Across The King’s River, you know my son was not always in a good place – he was once in a very dark, scary place.

When he was in his late teens, my son was caught up in the gang life in Oakland.

But you would never guess this if you listen to him now or if you spend time with him. Malcolm is a dedicated Dad, a successful businessman, and he often goes out of his way to help others.

Malcolm says a little faith goes a long way…

Granted. He didn’t change overnight. But he changed. He is still changing. We can all change.

If you’re in a dark place right now, or if you feel like you can’t win because you’ve been having one problem after another, I encourage you to not give up.

I know what it’s like to be tested, and 2020 has presented all of us with extraordinary tests and challenges.

But I’ve also seen things shift for the better and dramatically improve. I believe this can happen for you.

Yes, my friend, I believe in miracles.

Not sure what you are going through in this season: relationship, health, financial, emotional, legal.

But I do know that this season does not define your next season nor the rest of your life.

I really mean this.

Faith is not wishful thinking. Faith is a radical act. It requires strength, action, perseverance.

Wishing you the courage to envision other possibilities for your life, or for your family.

I’m with you in Spirit. Feel free to write, and I will respond asap.

All My Love


P.S. Still available for spiritual readings.

P.S.S. If you would like to purchase a signed copy of my book, let me know.

P.S.S. Working on a new trailer for my film, Across The King’s River, and will be sharing it with you in a few weeks.