My granddaughter Mai- Mai!

My granddaughter Mai- Mai!

My granddaughter says my nose is big…

And my grandson says my feet are ugly…

My little ones make me laugh! They crack me up because they’re just being sincere. They’re not trying to hurt my feelings in any way. (At least I hope not). LOL

They’re just keeping it real! My nose IS big. What can I say, it runs in the family. And my feet? Let’s just say my feet needs more lotion and some prayers.

I’m sure your little ones have lots to say too!

So, if you’re looking for a great spiritual guide then pay closer attention to your children.

The little ones can teach you what you’ve forgotten. They’re still connected to the Other World and hear voices you can no longer hear. They see things you no longer see. They feel things you no longer feel.

Little ones are great because they don’t over-think things…

They don’t sugar-coat things either. They say what they see and they say what they feel.

If you want to grow spiritually and move forward in life, then you need to get clear about what you see and what you feel too. Even if it hurts.

The truth can be bitter! Ouch!

But truth gives you something to work with, and that’s what makes our little ones such awesome teachers until they discover the cold reality that this world rarely appreciates the truth.


What’s your truth? Right here? Right now? What are you struggling with the most? What do you wish you could say but won’t say? Or, what do you wish you could do, but won’t do?

Even if you can’t work up the nerve to reveal your truth to others, at least admit it to yourself. Stop living in denial.

Whatever you’re going through let me assure you that you’re not alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need to.

Your little ones might have some surprisingly, insightful things to say!

And on that note I have to run…

My grandchildren are coming by soon. Can’t do anything about my nose, but I think I’ll grab some more lotion for my feet. (Keep my feet in your prayers). LOL

Talk soon!


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James Weeks

Producer, Across The King’s River