581793_10151378595063414_333658928_nThe ancestors are not there to give you what you want…

But they'll make sure you get what you need. Think about it. Why should they give you what you want when they know (and you know) you could do much better? Way better?

The Egungun (ancestors) are there to look after your highest interest. Is that relationship you're whining about really in your highest interest? Was that friend you fell out with serving your highest interest? Is that job that's draining your life force (and driving you crazy) serving your highest interest?

You'll never reach your full potential if your ancestors simply grant you what you want. So, at times, they'll take away the very thing you want, or the very thing you think you need.

Why? To force you to grow spiritually and to prove to you that you don't really need half the things that you're chasing. And when the distractions fall away a beautiful thing happens…

You'll slowly begin to see and hear the spiritual world with greater clarity.

When you move closer to the Spirit World you'll also discover that many of your fears have no basis in reality. So much fear comes from being overly dependent on things or people that you think you need, when, in fact, you don't need them at all. In fact, they probably need YOU for more than you need them.

Your ancestors are working with you right now whether you realize it or not. What you're going through isn't a mistake – it's a plan to bring out the best in you so that, hopefully, you can live a more empowering and inspiring life.

Isn't it time you've realized this?


James Weeks
Producer, Across The King's River


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