CoinsThe email I received via Facebook sounded desperate…

“I need you to help me have financial freedom…pleaseeeeeeee,” wrote my new FB friend. He wanted me to consult Ifa to find out how he can be wealthy and successful in business.

The email bothered me a little bit. But I wrote him back right away and said I would be happy to divine for him and would tell him what Ifa says.

And he promptly wrote me back and said he couldn’t afford to pay me because he doesn’t have any money now.

I didn’t perform the divination. If my FB friend couldn’t even afford to pay for divination, how on earth could he possibly be thinking about launching and running a business?

And that leads me to a bigger question. Why does he even want a business?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for financial freedom and in Ifa, we do ebos all the time to help folks who are trying to expand their business.

But you need to have a business…

And having a business means investing in the business, working hard at the business, having a business plan and doing everything it takes to ensure it’s successful. In short, having a long term vision. Just doing an ebo isn’t going to cut it. Sorry!

And starting a business just because you want financial freedom isn’t a smart move – at least not in my book.

Instead of allowing money to lead you, I believe you should allow love to lead you. In other words, build a business around your passions. In tough times, the love for what you do will keep you moving forward even when you’re tempted to throw in the towel.

But if there’s no love for the business, you’ll abandon it long before it has the chance to take off. And if it does take off, you’re likely to be miserable because you had no love for it in the first place.

I didn’t explain all of this to my FB friend…

I know his business aspirations will quickly vanish. Anything that’s not motivated by love always vanishes.

