Director, Stanley Nelson

Although it hasn’t been confirmed yet, it’s highly probable that we’ll get funding in the very near future to continue working on Across The King’s River. So far the production schedule requires us to spend at least 2 weeks in Nigeria, one week in Senegal, one week in Burkina Faso, one week in the Caribbean and one week in Egypt.

Up until this point, our focus has been on building awareness and generating support for the project – soon the focus will be on the creative process of weaving all elements of the story together and being absolutely clear about the story/or stories we wish to tell. We’ll be traveling with a small crew: Myself, Stanley Nelson, the director, and Tupac Saavedra, director of photography.

The upcoming trip to Nigeria will mark my fourth trip to this country. Nigeria “le bi oju eja” means Nigeria “is hard like the eye of a fish.” Indeed, Nigeria is a tough country. But it’s also a country where I’ve discovered a lot tenderness and spiritual insights. I would not be who I am nor where I am without the spiritual help of the orisas and the major Ifa priests who work each day to help bring this vision alive.