Thanks for your support of my book, Meditations Across The King’s River.
I’m happy to inform you that Meditations Across The King’s River is well on its way to being an international best seller.

But this couldn’t have happened without your help.
Balboa Press, my publisher, says Meditations Across The King’s River sold more books in one year than most books sell in five years.

This summer, my publisher will be promoting Meditations to 50,000 retailers across the USA.

Without question, this promotion will be a HUGE gamechanger for the book…

If you still don’t have my book, we would be honored if you add it to your collection. We would love it if you can say you were with us from the very beginning.

Here’s the link: Meditations Across The King’s River

Thanks again for all your love and support over the years. I hope to see you during one of my upcoming book tours at a city near you.

Talk soon

All my love.
P.S. Still available for spiritual readings. P.P.S. If you would like a signed copy of my book, email me at, and let me know if you prefer to purchase a softcover cover or a hard cover.
James Weeks Meditations Across The King’s River