by James Weeks | Feb 8, 2015 | Blog
You must honor your Spirit…
This is where you must begin; this is where you must end.
That’s the advice I gave to a client who came for divination tonight
Not only must you honor your Spirit, you must remember that you ARE Spirit!
Forget what everyone else thinks or does.
Be still; attune yourself to what your own Spirit is saying.
Stop thinking you need outside validation for every single decision, for every single step you wish to make.
You don’t…
Listen from within! Be strong! Walk on!
James Weeks/Across The King’s River
For more inspirational messages, sign up for my monthly inspirational newsletter below.
by James Weeks | Jan 8, 2015 | Blog
It’s a new day; a new time; a new year!
I’m excited about all the possibilities and I hope you are too.
I believe 2015 can be your year if you’re willing to take risks and try new things.
There’s no reason to think that things must remain the same…
Hell No!
You are NOT destined to struggle all your life in a job that you hate, nor stay in a relationship you’ve outgrown, nor remain in any crippling, emotional, spiritual, physical or financial state that has been holding you back.
It’s time for a new script! A new you!
Here are some tips to help ensure 2015 is your year!
Let it go! Stop beating yourself up for the mistakes of 2014. News Flash. It’s not 2014. Every minute that you spend dwelling in the past robs you from seeing all the opportunities and blessings in the present that are trying to come your way.
Stop putting things off. Stop thinking you have all the time in the world to pursue your dreams. You don’t! A close friend, who is ill, recently learned he may only have a few weeks left to live. Every second counts. So write that book; build that business; mentor that child; take that vacation; pick up the phone and heal that relationship. Do what you’ve been meaning to do, but haven’t gotten around to it.
Know who you can count on! That was one of the big lessons for me in 2014. What an eye-opener! You need to know who really has your back, and who’s just talk and no action! The truth may surprise you, but it can also set you free.
Move closer to Spirit. Hugely important! We live in a world where we’re expected to pursue all things except our own connection with Spirit and the innate wisdom that flows every day within for free. Take time out for prayer, meditation, silence, ritual, yoga, journaling, exercise or any activity that lifts your spirit and helps you forge that connection to the divine.
I would love to hear about your dreams for 2015, so shoot me an email at and let me know what’s up.
Or let me know what’s not up in 2015…
You’ll get a personal response from me, and you can count on my support.
May the ancestors bless you from the north, the south, the east and the west!.
James Weeks
P.S. Unleash the Power of 2015 With a Powerful Spiritual Reading Today!
Producer, Across The King’s River
by James Weeks | Oct 25, 2014 | Blog
Tupac Saavedra, Director of Photography, Across The King’s River
We’ll be launching a fundraising campaign for my film, Across The King’s River, on Thursday, October 31st.
And we’ll be counting on your support…
A successful campaign will allow us to move forward with this film project that began almost six years ago.
A film is a marathon – it’s not a spring. That’s what one of my filmmaking mentors told me many years ago.
It’s true…
Filmmaking is a tough, long road.
If you don’t believe in what you’re doing, you’ll easily give up.
I believe I’m on a sacred mission and that’s what keeps me going…
I am also blessed to have the support of an amazing team of senior Ifa priests in Ile Ife, Nigeria.
They give me the stamina to continue…
And the confidence to know that we’ll succeed in the end.
We’ll be counting on your support when we launch our campaign.
May the ancestors be with you…
May the ancestors be with us…
May it be so!
P.S. Sign up below for my monthly, inspirational newsletter and I’ll send you updates as we move forward with this film.
James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River
by James Weeks | Oct 12, 2014 | Blog
My granddaughter Mai- Mai!
My granddaughter says my nose is big…
And my grandson says my feet are ugly…
My little ones make me laugh! They crack me up because they’re just being sincere. They’re not trying to hurt my feelings in any way. (At least I hope not). LOL
They’re just keeping it real! My nose IS big. What can I say, it runs in the family. And my feet? Let’s just say my feet needs more lotion and some prayers.
I’m sure your little ones have lots to say too!
So, if you’re looking for a great spiritual guide then pay closer attention to your children.
The little ones can teach you what you’ve forgotten. They’re still connected to the Other World and hear voices you can no longer hear. They see things you no longer see. They feel things you no longer feel.
Little ones are great because they don’t over-think things…
They don’t sugar-coat things either. They say what they see and they say what they feel.
If you want to grow spiritually and move forward in life, then you need to get clear about what you see and what you feel too. Even if it hurts.
The truth can be bitter! Ouch!
But truth gives you something to work with, and that’s what makes our little ones such awesome teachers until they discover the cold reality that this world rarely appreciates the truth.
What’s your truth? Right here? Right now? What are you struggling with the most? What do you wish you could say but won’t say? Or, what do you wish you could do, but won’t do?
Even if you can’t work up the nerve to reveal your truth to others, at least admit it to yourself. Stop living in denial.
Whatever you’re going through let me assure you that you’re not alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need to.
Your little ones might have some surprisingly, insightful things to say!
And on that note I have to run…
My grandchildren are coming by soon. Can’t do anything about my nose, but I think I’ll grab some more lotion for my feet. (Keep my feet in your prayers). LOL
Talk soon!
If you enjoyed this article, then sign up for my inspirational newsletter via the link below. It’s free.
James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River
by James Weeks | Sep 29, 2014 | Blog
One Yoruba proverb says it all…
“Patience is the father of character.” Yet of all spiritual challenges patience ranks high as one of the toughest to master.
What do you say?
Does it feel like the universe is working your very last nerves? Have you been feeling this way for years?
Well, welcome to the club…
For me, the frustration has been around my film. Delays with funding via investors and delays with other fundraising goals that are often beyond my control.
But here’s the thing…
I’m going through what I’m going through for a reason – and it’s a good one. And like it or not, I can assure you that you’re going through what you’re going through for a reason – and it’s a good one.
The soul loves a good challenge, a good fight, a worthy opponent…
Here’s the deal. Frustration is part of the spiritual journey. Granted, I know we don’t like to hear that.
But it’s true.
If things go the way you want them to go without a fight you would be easily bored. There would be no opportunity for spiritual growth. No real sense of achievement. No real way to develop faith or character.
At least, that’s the way we see it in Ifa. Challenges/adversity – are what makes life interesting. There MUST be some hurdle to overcome for the evolution of your soul and for the development for character.
O.K. Maybe your current life lesson isn’t patience. Maybe at the moment you’re meant to learn other lessons: self-love, for example, or forgiveness, or unconditional love, or how to stand up for yourself.
No one gets through life without a lesson…
Keep this in mind as you go through your challenges. Remember that this is a test and that you’re on a worthy spiritual mission. So, instead of dwelling on your frustrations, reflect on the spiritual lessons that your challenges seem to be teaching you.
There is no magic bullet…
There’s no magic escape route…
You are meant to experience what you’re going through, so you might as well adopt a more spiritual approach.
The Yorubas are right. Patience is the key! There can be no wisdom without it.
James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River
P.P.S If you’ve enjoyed this blog post, sign up for my monthly inspirational newsletter. It’s free! Here’s the link below.