Five Tips For Learning Yoruba

Osun Festival in Osogbo - photographer unknown

Osun Festival in Osogbo – photographer unknown

So you want to learn Yoruba?

The truth is that it's not as difficult as most Westerners make it out to be. In fact, if you can say Sango, or Ifa or Alaafia, there's absolutely no reason why you can't learn conversational Yoruba. You just have to make the effort to step your game up.

If it's not impossible to learn Yoruba what's holding folks back?

I'm not sure. I think most people in the Americas have gotten so used to people not speaking Yoruba that they've bought into some subconscious myth that says mastering “alaafia” is as far as you can humanly go.

Well it's time to bust that myth up once and for all. Here are some tips that have helped me on my journey to learning and speaking Yoruba:

Make It A Daily Ritual:

Let's get real. You need to take action. The language isn't just going to flow into your head without any effort on your part. If you really want to learn the language, then you need to make a commitment to study it every day. One of the best foundational books on Yoruba is Je K'A So Yoruba by Professor Antonia Yetunde Schleicher. Set a goal of studying for at least 30 minutes a day. Consider making it part of your daily spiritual routine.

Forget About The Tones:

Yoruba is a tonal language. A word can have several different meaning depending on the tones. This is where most folks miss the boat. They get so overwhelmed thinking they have to master each and every tone, they give up in frustration. Instead of stressing over the tones,simply listen to words as you hear them and try your best to repeat them melodically. Think about it. Isn't that how you learned English? By repeating what you heard? Do you think babies in Yorubaland start speaking by learning tones? Stop stressing about the tones and just go with the flow.

Focus on Greetings and Simple Phrases

Learn basic greetings and simple phrases. Learn how to say: Good morning! Did you sleep well? How is your husband? Your Wife? The Kids? How's work? Learn how to say who, what, where, when why. Learn how to count from 1 to 10. Then build and expand your vocabulary as you make progress. I never understood and I still don't understand why many people begin their Yoruba studies by trying to master esoteric Odu Ifa or incantations without first having the most basic understanding of the language. Start with the basics.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice by speaking to native speakers every chance you get. Or, practice with others who are studying the language. One of my best friends is a native Yoruba speaker and speaking to him every day helped me to progress rapidly in the early stages of learning the language. Now that Skype is readily available, you can befriend and speak to native Yoruba speakers anywhere in the world.

Remember You're On A Journey

Your study of Yoruba, or any language for that matter, can open doors for you and can enrich you spiritually, culturally and intellectually. Take time along the journey to celebrate each milestone. With commitment you can be speaking fluent conversational Yoruba in less than two years. Never give up. Keep your eye on the prize.

James Weeks/Producer, Across The King's River

The Road To Empowerment

581793_10151378595063414_333658928_nThe ancestors are not there to give you what you want…

But they'll make sure you get what you need. Think about it. Why should they give you what you want when they know (and you know) you could do much better? Way better?

The Egungun (ancestors) are there to look after your highest interest. Is that relationship you're whining about really in your highest interest? Was that friend you fell out with serving your highest interest? Is that job that's draining your life force (and driving you crazy) serving your highest interest?

You'll never reach your full potential if your ancestors simply grant you what you want. So, at times, they'll take away the very thing you want, or the very thing you think you need.

Why? To force you to grow spiritually and to prove to you that you don't really need half the things that you're chasing. And when the distractions fall away a beautiful thing happens…

You'll slowly begin to see and hear the spiritual world with greater clarity.

When you move closer to the Spirit World you'll also discover that many of your fears have no basis in reality. So much fear comes from being overly dependent on things or people that you think you need, when, in fact, you don't need them at all. In fact, they probably need YOU for more than you need them.

Your ancestors are working with you right now whether you realize it or not. What you're going through isn't a mistake – it's a plan to bring out the best in you so that, hopefully, you can live a more empowering and inspiring life.

Isn't it time you've realized this?


James Weeks
Producer, Across The King's River


Contact me for an accurate and insightful spiritual reading today!

Wildflowers In The Mountains

The answer floated into my head out of nowhere…

©Photo by and courtesy of  Frank Kee

©Photo by and courtesy of Frank Kee

And the answer was wildflowers – wildflowers in the mountains. Akosua, my client, asked me for a ritual she can do in the mountains with her daughters, Christine and Jennifer.

Spirit told me to suggest wildflowers.

But I struggled with that answer. I was worried Akosua wouldn't think the ritual was African enough, or Yoruba enough, or complicated enough.

So I flipped through two books on Orisa-inspired rituals to see if something else spoke to my Spirit. When nothing else did, I went with the wildflowers idea.

“Get three packets of different wildflower seeds,” I told her via email. “When you get to the mountains, take out the seeds and pray to them. Then, toss them in the air and ask the universe to nurture them and allow them to germinate.”

“The seeds represent your deepest wishes,” I explained. “And when you release them, you are symbolically handing everything over to God and the ancestors. You've done your part. Now let God and the ancestors do theirs.”

I sent the email off to Akosua…



But when she didn't write back immediately I began to worry that my idea did not resonate with her after all.

There was no need to worry. This is what she said:

“Well now James…did you pick this up from me ~ or did I pick it up from you ~ or is it simply that our Ancestors and the universe is placing it in both our spirits as confirmation? Last night and this morning, the song, Wildflower was in my spirit. I have been humming it all night and even early this morning. I absolutely enjoy planting SEEDS! So this ritual is totally PERFECT in ways you can't begin to imagine!”

“The other reason your ritual choice is powerful, is because a few years ago (because I love flowers so much) one of my friends asked me which flower did I liken myself to? As with my nature, I had to do some research before I named one. After looking at pictures of flowers and reading about them, I chose one. It was the PROTEA that resonated with my spirit! It's a fascinating wildflower that originates in South Africa. The thing that made me choose it is the fact that even after forest fires, this flower will blossom again! Its seeds/bulbs are kept in a very strong stem and embedded deep inside the earth … the heat from the fire actually causes it to germinate! When I read that, I immediately said ~ “that's me! So yes, this ritual is intriguing for many, many reasons.”

Christine and Jennifer

Christine and Jennifer

Akosua's response blew me away. You see, we often forget: 1. The power of our own Spirit. 2. To let Spirit guide our rituals. 3. Rituals can be original. 4. We don't have to do rituals exactly the same way folks do them in Africa or anywhere else. 5. The Spirit of the land has something to say and should also inspire our rituals. Rituals can be simple yet powerful. Spirit has no limitations.”

In the end, the wildflowers ritual was not only for Akosua, it was meant for me. I had an important lesson to learn. Just like she needed to release the seeds and trust the universe would nurture them, I need to release whatever Spirit gives me to share without questioning it.

I know this ritual also has a message for you. Spirit has given you the answer you've been looking for. Listen to it – trust it! – James Weeks/ Producer Across The King's River

The Path To True Wealth

CoinsThe email I received via Facebook sounded desperate…

“I need you to help me have financial freedom…pleaseeeeeeee,” wrote my new FB friend. He wanted me to consult Ifa to find out how he can be wealthy and successful in business.

The email bothered me a little bit. But I wrote him back right away and said I would be happy to divine for him and would tell him what Ifa says.

And he promptly wrote me back and said he couldn’t afford to pay me because he doesn’t have any money now.

I didn’t perform the divination. If my FB friend couldn’t even afford to pay for divination, how on earth could he possibly be thinking about launching and running a business?

And that leads me to a bigger question. Why does he even want a business?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for financial freedom and in Ifa, we do ebos all the time to help folks who are trying to expand their business.

But you need to have a business…

And having a business means investing in the business, working hard at the business, having a business plan and doing everything it takes to ensure it’s successful. In short, having a long term vision. Just doing an ebo isn’t going to cut it. Sorry!

And starting a business just because you want financial freedom isn’t a smart move – at least not in my book.

Instead of allowing money to lead you, I believe you should allow love to lead you. In other words, build a business around your passions. In tough times, the love for what you do will keep you moving forward even when you’re tempted to throw in the towel.

But if there’s no love for the business, you’ll abandon it long before it has the chance to take off. And if it does take off, you’re likely to be miserable because you had no love for it in the first place.

I didn’t explain all of this to my FB friend…

I know his business aspirations will quickly vanish. Anything that’s not motivated by love always vanishes.



Five Tips to Connect With Your Ancestors

So you’ve set up an altar (or shrine) for your ancestors, and you make regular offerings to them. Yet, you find yourself wondering if you’re truly connecting with Spirit or merely going through the motions.

Here are some tips that I’ve found helpful for building a stronger connection with your Egungun (ancestors). staue_oddudla

MAKE IT A PRIORITY: Your relationship with your ancestors is just that – a relationship. And like any relationship, you need to be fully committed in order to make it work. You also need to make sure that you are available if you want them to communicate with you. This means spending time in silence, prayer, meditation or any activity that uplifts your spirit or slows down the rhythm of your life so that meaningful spiritual communication can take place.

BE GENEROUS: Yes, the ancestors can guide and help you in ways beyond your imagination. But never approach them with a list of demands. Your loved ones in Spirit work with you but not for you – it’s a partnership. Be prepared to give, not merely receive. Remember, your ancestors are not “dead”; they are alive in another dimension and are still learning and growing. The Egungun are fully aware of your thoughts and feelings, so be sure to send them positive energy and love to support them on their spiritual journey too.

BE OPEN: Despite what some people might have you believe, the ancestors have no limitations

when they want to communicate with you. They can use anyone or anything to deliver a message: they can communicate through dreams, feelings, inspiration, nature, literature and music. And they are not stuck in the past. They are fully aware of modern technology and can manipulate lights, television sets and even cell phones to get your attention. Be open and alert. They know you well and will use the best method to get through to you.

BE TRUSTING: Don’t expect a lightening bolt from the sky. Messages from Spirit are often subtle, soft. So subtle that you might miss them. Pay attention to your feelings because ancestors often communicate through feelings – not words. Pause for a moment. How do you feel right now? Where is it that feeling coming from? Is it coming from you or from Spirit? What inspired you to read this article? Was it your idea or did your ancestors inspire you to read this? Spirit is all around you and guide you more than you realize. Trust what you feel inspired to do.

TAKE ACTION: Don’t waste Spirit’s time. One of my mentors said this to me one day. It takes a lot of energy for your ancestors to communicate with you. And you’re wasting their time if you never listen or do anything to move your life forward. Are you living in fear or faith? Are you taking steps to empower yourself? Are you empowering others? Are you leaving a legacy that others might aspire to follow? Take at least one step each day to move your life forward. Your ancestors are alive and well. Make them proud by living your life to the fullest.


James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River