
Flowers Bloom In Difficult Places

I was invited to speak about my upcoming book in San Francisco a few weeks ago.

I told them the truth — 100% of it.

You see, I could have only said that Meditations Across The King’s River will be published this month because I sat down one day and decided to write a book.

But I told them the whole story — about how my son was in a dangerous gang in 2002 and how it almost destroyed my family.

It wasn’t pretty back in those days; it was a matter of life or death.

Fortunately, I took my son with me to Nigeria in 2003 when I went for my initiation into the Ifa spiritual tradition and my elders helped heal my son.

My kids Malcolm and Tulani

A few months after our trip to Africa, my son’s psychologist said: “I don’t know what happened in Africa, but your son is new and improved.”

I share this story in Meditations Across The King’s River, and I share other powerful stories based on my travels throughout Africa and the Caribbean; plus there are tons of my original spiritual affirmations too…

Flowers can bloom in tough places…

No one on earth can tell me miracles don’t happen because I see a miracle every time I look at my son, Malcolm. (That’s him in this picture above with my daughter, Tulani).

I know miracles can happen for you. Trust me, miracles happen every single day on planet earth, and you must never rule out the possibility that a miracle can happen for you.

These days, Malcolm is a successful businessman and a dedicated father of four children. He’s also a basketball coach and goes out of his way to help others all the time.

My book might have never happened if I didn’t have a problem with my son back in 2002.

Our crisis created a divinely led chain of events that led to beautiful things. In fact, you can even say that my son led me to you. (How cool is that?)

As you think of your own challenges, don’t just think about WHAT your problems are — think about WHERE your problems are leading you to and/or WHO they’re leading you to.

And remember, your ancestors and spirit guides are doing their best to help you. They have more faith in you than you have in yourself. You are not alone even when you feel alone.

Right this minute, powerful souls are working on your behalf. Meet them halfway with faith, dedication and daily consistent action to manifest your dreams. 2019 is right around the corner — make a plan — don’t make excuses.

I have to run because Malcolm is coaching a basketball game today and I promised I would come to watch his team in action. They are on a winning streak. I’ve got to be there.

Talk soon! Meditations Across The King’s River will be here soon.

All my love.

James Weeks

Producer, Across The King’s River

Yes, You Have A Soulmate!

I believe you have a soulmate…

In fact, I think most people have more than one soulmate. If you haven’t met them yet, one day you probably will.

I’ve been thinking about soulmates a lot lately, because my book, Meditations Across The King’s River: African-Inspired Wisdom For Life’s Journey, will be published in a few weeks, in early December.

My wife, Stephanie, my soulmate, has been helping me get the book ready. She used to work as an editor for Essence Magazine before we met. She also worked as an editor for Parenting Magazine when we later moved to California.

Back in the day with Stephanie, Malcolm and Tulani

Like most couples, we’ve had our share of ups and downs over the years…

Stephanie helped launch my career as a writer back on St.Croix when I was in my twenties. That’s where we got married, and that’s where the family pic in this newsletter was taken.

Lately, as we spent hours and hours reviewing and tweaking every chapter of this book, I’ve come to the realization that this is part of the reason why the ancestors brought us together in the first place.

Not only were we destined to have children together, we were destined to bring Meditations Across The King’s River into the world together, too — it just took decades for it to happen.

I believe there’s a divine reason behind the soulmate or soulmates in your life, too. Sure, It’s not easy to believe there’s a divine purpose in your relationship/s when things get rocky.

But trust me — your soulmate or soulmates didn’t wander into your life accidentally. You are meant to help each other grow, discover new things, become better in some way.

A soulmate isn’t always a romantic connection. Some of my soulmates are friends and business partners. And guess what — at times those connections have been challenging too. But good things have come out of those connections – beautiful things – but none of it happened overnight

So don’t be so quick to give up on your soulmate, whether it’s a spouse, a friend, a co-worker or a business partner. Sometimes, things happen for reasons beyond human understanding.

Hang in there…

What isn’t clear to you now will be clear later. The ancestors see the bigger picture. In time, you will too.

I’ve got to run because we are finalizing things on the book . It will be ready for you very soon. We are both very excited. If you respond to this blog, I will definitely write you back.

You matter to me…

Thinking of you and your loved ones as we get ready to launch Meditations Across The King’s River.

James Weeks

Producer, Across The King’s River

I’ll Be Launching My Book Soon

I’m excited to tell you that I will be launching my book soon…

Meditations Across The King’s River: African-Inspired Wisdom For Life’s Journey, will be published later this month, or in early December at the very latest.

I will provide more details in a series of emails that you’ll receive in the upcoming weeks.

As I mentioned before, Meditations Across The King’s River is a collection of inspirational affirmations, but it also includes 16 essays inspired by my travels in Africa and throughout the Caribbean as a priest in the Ifa spiritual tradition.

But there’s more…

To support you in 2019, every month I’ll expand on a core idea in the book and will also share other insights that I did not have time to include in the book. I believe these insights will help you navigate through 2019 with more confidence and peace of mind no matter what spiritual tradition you practice.

If you’re struggling with something right now, have faith and just know there’s a solution for it — even if you can’t see it at the moment. I’ll be sharing a lot of tips in my book and in the months ahead.

I am grateful you are in my life and that our paths have crossed. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. I’ll be in touch with you again very soon.

All my love

Talk soon,

James Weeks

Producer, Across The King’s River

Why Your Story Matters

I know I haven’t written for a while…

…And that’s because I’ve been a bit busy. I’ve been working on my book, Meditations Across the King’s River, which will be available for purchase sometime in August.

My wife, Stephanie, a former editor at Essence, is editing my manuscript and Mark Feijao Milligan, a gifted artist from St. Croix who’s shaking up the art world, is designing the book cover. You can learn more about Feijao’s art here: https://bit.ly/2J7IFBc

After working on this book for the past two years or so, I’m excited to be launching it soon…

As you know, Meditations Across The King’s River, is a collection of spiritual affirmations and short, insightful essays based on my journey and experiences in Africa and the Caribbean.

While writing this book, however, it became clear to me that I’m not the only one with something to say…

You’ll also be hearing some of the wisdom of my elders and ancestors who have passed over years ago. Plus, you’ll benefit from the insight of some of my clients too. I’m certain you’ll look at your life and struggles through a different lens once you hear what they have to say.

So many diverse, powerful voices in one book…

I want to encourage you to share your story one day because it matters too, probably more than you know. The world needs to hear from you because we’re all in need of a bit more healing, guidance, wisdom and encouragement. Let’s face it, these are tough times.

You don’t have to write a book or produce a film in order for your story to have a huge impact in the lives of others Think of the souls that poured so much into you but are no longer in this world. By sharing your story, those powerful souls get to expand their legacy because your stories are connected. They can live again and teach others through you!

Don’t know about you, but I find that exciting…

And think about your children. Don’t they deserve to learn more about you? Things you’ve done, places you’ve gone, lessons you’ve learned? Don’t assume you don’t have much to share, I know for a fact you do, and it’s probably way more powerful than you think.

I would love to hear more about your story and if you plan to share it one day. If so, when? If you respond to this newsletter, I’ll write back as soon as possible. For now, I’ve got to run. Still tweaking essays in my book here and there, but soon it will be on it’s way.

Talk soon

James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River

Time Can Heal You

Time can heal you, says my friend, Omitosin…

But you must “realize healing is not shiny or pretty. It is not lotus flowers and singing bowls. It is gut wrenching, emotional, mind and spirit blowing,” she says.

However, “once you acknowledge the pain and are able to work within that space, that’s when the healing starts. Healing is a daily process. It is day by day, minute by minute,” says Omitosin.

I met Omitosin at an Ancestral Healing Conference in Seattle last November. She’s a healer and does hands-on Reiki. Omitosin is also a priestess in the Ifa spiritual tradition and does readings in her Seattle office or by phone.

We plan on doing some retreats together in the future. Omitosin studied with the famous Iyanla Vanzant who she says is an “amazing spirit and gives so much love, compassion and caring into everything she does.”


I believe we’re all on a journey of healing – no exceptions…

…We’re either healing from what someone said, from what someone did, or from something we said or did ourselves. Or maybe it’s from an event we had little or no control over.

I believe one of the most important healing we all need is to break free from the opinions of others. Caring too much about what others think is hands down one of the biggest killers of dreams ever.

Fortunately, we can all learn from each other.
I asked Omitosin to share a bit about her life and her journey as a healer. Here’s what she had to say.

Q: When did you first learn you’re a healer?

A: I first learned I had gifts when I was 13. My grandmother Lillie took me to her church (Pentecostal) and I was called to the front. The pastor began to pray and put “anointing” oil on my forehead. At that moment, I began to cry and speak in tongues, something which I had never done before. Then I remember my grandmother taking me home and telling me that I was a special person and that I was blessed with the gift of healing. She then told me her story of how her hands just started getting hot when she was around certain people and then she decided to listen to the messages that Spirit was giving her to touch people with their permission. Once she told me that, I decided to do the same. I would just touch someone’s arm or hand at first, then I would ask if I could touch them wherever the pain (emotional or physical was). I used to also get anxiety in groups of people and not understand why. I learned later that I am also an empath that has the gift of feelings others feelings.

Q: What do you like about doing spiritual readings for others?

A: I love showing people a reflection of themselves from a different perspective. Everyone has some sort of spiritual gift that they are either afraid of, don’t recognize or are in denial of. I feel my job is to show people a different version of themselves, their gifts, and on some occasions, relay messages from their Ancestors.

“Some people just really need to know when they aren’t loving themselves and need to be shown how! It can be as simple as telling someone and showing them that there is nothing wrong with them, or showing them how to connect with their own spiritual higher self via ritual, meditation or other tools and modalities.” – Omitosin

Q: What do you like about doing body work for clients?

A: I actually love seeing and feeling other people connecting to their own energy. Most people who get reiki really don’t believe in it and aren’t sure what they should be feeling. I actually perform small activities with them that allows them to feel and connect with their own energy. After the session, I call them and ask them questions about the systems in their body and generally they will tell me that their stomachs growl more, or they notice the beat of their heart. They also notice their body heating up or cooling down with certain breathing techniques

Q: What was it like studying with Iyanla Vanzant?

A: It was a painful and beautiful experience. Painful in that, I learned how many limitations I had put on myself and how blocked I was spiritually and energetically. I discovered anger that I was holding on to and really didn’t realize that I had. Going through the program with Iyanla was a life changing experience! For the first time, I got to really meet myself! I got to discover who I am, and what I want from my life. Iyanla is a tough love master teacher! She is unwavering in her mission to help people heal, but at the same time, she gives so much love, compassion and caring into everything that she does. She is an amazing spirit!

Q: What three tips can you give to those who are seeking healing?

A: First, realize that healing is not shiny and pretty. It is not lotus flowers and singing bowls. It is gut wrenching, emotional mind and spirit blowing. But once you acknowledge the pain and are able to work within that space, that’s when the healing starts! Healing is a daily process. It is day by day, minute by minute. Those small “a-ha” moments that we have daily become the stepping stones for overall healing and enlightening on a big scale over time. Time can heal if you take baby steps and give yourself small rewards along the way!

Second, be gentle with yourself! You are not as flawed as you make up in your mind! You have had experiences and situations that have colored your perspective of your life and yourself. Free your mind! Last, find some way to be quiet and still every day. Meditation is when Spirit speaks to you! Even if it is only for 5 minutes. If you need help, contact me and I can teach you!

If you would like to book a spiritual consultation with Omitosin, you can contact her at goodworks4u@gmail.com or by phone at 832-282-2485.

In the meantime, I would love to know where you are on your journey of healing or what you’re struggling with. So feel free to comment on this blog and sign up for my inspirational newsletter at the link below.

Sign Up Now


James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River