
Getting The Help You Need

There’s a difference between needing help and wanting help…

That’s what my friend and mentor, Willy, was explaining the other day. Lots of folks need help, he says, but not everyone wants help. You gotta know the difference.

Willy knows what he’s talking about. He used to be a drug addict…

It was bad. He even attempted suicide decades ago because it was the “brightest idea” he had at the time.

Fortunately, he reached out for help and got it, and he was humble enough to accept it. Then, he took massive action. “I was willing to work on my own rescue,” he says.

Photo: Shutterstock image

Photo: Shutterstock image

Looking at Willy’s beaming smile and self-confidence today you would never know the trouble he’s seen. Not only is Willy drug free, he’s a successful businessman and spiritual leader. He’s also a committed husband and father who does what he says he’ll do.

He shares his story bravely and openly with all who will listen because he wants others to have hope. No matter where you are in life, no matter how much you hurt, no matter how much you’ve lost, change is possible, Willy says. Your blessing might be right around the corner.

Willie is teaching me some kick-ass business strategies for 2017. But he’s also teaching me about life. I’m not the only one. He’s a mentor to tens of thousands.

Raised in the projects of Queens, NY, Willy is part Irish and part Puerto-Rican. His father was an alcoholic and regularly abused his Mom. The police visited their home often. Willy never made it to high school and was in his thirties before he read a book from cover to cover.

But the past is behind him…

Willy’s an avid reader these days. He’s big on self-development. He’s big on God. He’s big on me. He’s big on you. Believe, says Willy.

I’ve been inspired by many, but Willy’s story touched me deeply because it reminds me that anything is possible. Anything is still possible for me, anything is still possible for you.

And the bit of wisdom about knowing the difference between needing help and wanting help – I will always remember it.

What about you?

I would love to hear what you think, so send me an email, and I’ll be sure to respond.

Until next time, may the ancestors walk with you, guide you, and protect you each and every step of the way.


James Weeks

Producer, Across The King’s River

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The Wisdom of Going Slow

Bumped into my friend, Tobe Correal, about 2 months ago.

She’s the author of the book, Finding Soul on the Path of Orisa. If you haven’t read her work yet, check it out. You might enjoy it like I did. Here’s the link: Finding Soul On The Path of Orisa

Anyway, Tobe was at my neighbor’s 40th birthday party. Turns out they’re cousins.

It was great to see Tobe and to catch up again. She’s very philosophical.

We spoke about the wisdom of going slow. Not being in such a rush all the time, having the understanding that things happen in divine ways and in divine timing. Nature, for sure, is not in a rush.

Love it…e66142df-4eda-435c-950b-6b0312fefdd5

I love it because American culture seems to hate the word slow. Every Everything in this culture is expected to happen fast. So naturally, folks are on a fast track even though things that are meaningful and lasting and powerful rarely happen fast.

Everyone thinks they should be somewhere else, that life somehow is passing them by.

Hey, I understand. I really do.

But I’ve learned to appreciate going slow. I had no choice. One of the biggest challenges for me over the years has been delays with the funding of my film, Across The King’s River.

On the other hand, the biggest blessing has been the very same thing: delays with funding for my film. Did I like it at the time? No! Hell No!

I am grateful for the delays because I know for a fact that if my film had been funded years ago, I couldn’t have made the best possible film. Sure, I could have made a film, ut not the best one.

The delays worked in my favor because I have more insights now, more wisdom, and more clarity about what the film should be. I know what I want. I know who I want; I know what to do.

Armed with these insights, we are planning a major shoot for the film in early 2017. Looking back at all the ups and downs over the years, going slow was the best thing that could have happened for me.

What about you?

Are things moving along the way you like? If so great. If not, maybe it’s a blessing. You cannot miss what has been destined for you. It is written by Spirit, sanctioned by the ancestors.

Either way, I would love to hear what you’ve been up to and/or what you’re working on these days. Would also like to hear what you’ve been struggling with and/or what you need help with.

I miss you. I think of you, and I truly wish you peace and success in all that you do.

Let’s talk soon!


James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River

P.S. If you’ve enjoyed reading this article, sign up for my free inspirational newsletters and have them delivered straight to your email address.

Connecting With Nature

I moved into my new office recently…

You’ll find me under a tree in my backyard. O.K. I’m not outside all day but I’ve been spending a lot more time there.


It’s addicting…

I’ve fallen in love with the butterflies, the constant cooing of pigeons, and for the first time in many years, I’ve planted tomatoes, strawberries, eggplant and a blueberry bush.

It’s healing…

But I can’t take full credit for my decision to spend more time outside.

It came up in a spiritual reading I had recently. I was told my schedule is about to get super busy and the energy of my garden will keep me grounded.

I’m sharing this with you because I know you can benefit from a closer connection to nature too. Granted, you might not have a garden in your backyard, but I’m sure there’s someplace close to you, where you can connect to nature.

Don’t brush this off as being trivial… Bird

You could be overlooking the medicine your soul needs, and it’s powerful and free.

If you’ve been feeling drained, depressed, uninspired, bogged down by the craziness in our world, a closer bond with the earth might be part of the medicine you need.

Indigenous cultures know this because their spiritual worldview revolves around nature.

But we’ve lost our way and it’s literally killing us, spiritually, emotionally, physically.

I have to admit that I had totally neglected my garden until it came up in my reading. It’s all about balance. Turn off that cell phone, turn off the T.V. or social media and venture outdoors more often. Simple changes in your daily routine can make a huge difference in how you think and feel about your challenges and your future.

I’m glad I listened. I feeling more energized. I love the solitude and the peace of mind that comes with it.

Enough about me. What steps are you taking to connect to Nature? I would love to hear about it. So reply to this blog and I’ll be sure to write you back.

Until next time, may the ancestors bless you from the north, the south, the east and the west.


James Weeks

Producer, Across The King’s River

If you’ve enjoyed reading this article, sign up for my free inspirational newsletters below.

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Rituals For Living

“When you live by Spirit, there will always be a way made out for you,” says filmmaker Dalian Adofo, co-producer of the documentary Ancestral Voices, a film that combats misconceptions about African spirituality.

I’m interviewing Dalian by phone, and he’s telling me about his experiences working on Ancestral Voices 2, the sequel to his first film.

Dalian and Verona

Dalian and Verona

It was a journey that took him to Brazil, the U.S., Haiti and South Africa…

Yet, despite the language barrier and other cultural and logistical challenges, things fell into place: the right guides stepped forward to assist in miraculous ways, and he was granted access to interview legendary healers and elders.

I love talking to Dalian, and his wife (and co-producer) Verona, because I know firsthand how challenging it can be to work on a film with very limited resources.

“The biggest lesson has been perseverance,” says Verona. “Filmmaking may look like fun, but the reality is much hard work goes into it. Trying to keep motivated with family commitments and financial challenges has been a major learning curve and a test of my own determination and commitment,” adds Verona.

Ancestral Voices 2 isn’t finished yet, but you can support their work by ordering Rituals For Living today and by spreading the word. Your support can help them go a long way.

Order Rituals For Living

Rituals For Living is a vignette about African rituals taken from Ancestral Voices 2. The proceeds from Rituals For Living will help them complete Ancestral Voices 2.

Here’s the link to order it once again: Rituals For Living

During a visit to London several years ago, I was lucky enough to meet and have dinner with this dynamic couple. At the time, Ajani, their first son was 3 years-old. Now, Nshira, their second son is here.

Dalian is originally from Accra, Ghana, and Verona is of Jamaican ancestry but was born in the UK.

“Our stories were not being told,” Dalian tells me. That’s what got them started on their filmmaking journey. “Our stories tend to get disregarded for the most part or our stories are intentionally misrepresented. Our stories deserve to be told, and it’s essential to get a proper understanding.”

What do they want viewers of Ancestral Voices 2 to understand?

African rituals are not as portrayed in Hollywood and can be life-affirming and self-sustaining.

The role that nature plays in African spirituality and in our lives.

African spiritual traditions are not monolithic but are inspired by a common source.

Their mission is not only to educate but to empower viewers by sharing simple rituals one can do at home. “You are your own solution,” Dalian says.

I’m a fan. Who’s ready for more empowerment?

To me, once you no longer trust your Spirit all is lost. Or, if you’re led to believe that you have no connection to the divine, all is lost.

We’ve got to get back to the basics…

I would love to hear what you think so feel free to send me an email, and I’ll get back to you with a response. In the meantime, you can learn more about Dalian and Verona by following them on Ancestral Voices Facebook Page:

You can also visit them their website at this link: Ancestral Voices

Until next time, may the ancestors bless you from the north, the south, the east and the west.


James Weeks

Producer, Across The King’s River

P.S. To join my new VIP club, text kingsriver to 55469 to take advantage of special offers and exclusive invitations

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Wisdom From The Sea

“Wisdom comes from the sea,” says famous South African spiritual leader, Credo Mutwa, in the film, Dolphins.

“The Zulu people of South Africa believe that centuries ago, a race of intelligent creatures chaperoned humans into this world. Members of this race returned to the sea to become dolphins. Over the centuries, dolphins and whales sent knowledge via dreams to human beings. The whales told us all about God. The dolphins told us about wisdom and art and other forms of positive creativity,” Mutwa says.

“We black people believe that dolphins are not fish. They are people. They are saviors. They have kingdoms under the sea. They have stories that they tell their children. They have hopes for the future, ” says Credo Mutwa.

I love what Credo Mutwa is saying; I love the image of him strolling along the beach, and I am moved by the Zulu notion that dolphins tell stories to their children and have hopes for the future.

What are your thoughts and hopes for the future? I really would like to know…

For me, this clip stirs up memories of my home, St. Croix, Virgin Islands and the close connection my ancestors had to the sea.

But it makes me think about other things as well:
How African spirituality revolves around the reverence of nature.
How much we can learn from indigenous wisdom.
How disconnected we have become from nature.
How dolphins are held in captivity in amusement parks.
How we must become better stewards of both land and sea.
Credo Mutwa says the killing of these holy creatures must stop…

Our powerful stories must continue: “Many are the mysteries of Africa,” says Credo Mutwa. “Many are the mysteries of my country. Many are the stories that have yet to be told. Many are the stories that will never be told.”

Dolphins, Credo Mutwa Speaks, is a film by Indrid Pendris, and you can order the DVD here: Dolphins

Let me know what you think of this clip, and let me know if you’ve had any moving experiences in the past with dolphins or other beings. I’ll be sure to write you back.

Until then, may the ancestors guide and protect you and your family.


P.S. If you’ve enjoyed this article, sign up for my weekly inspirational newsletters below.

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James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River