
You Can’t Do It Alone

You can’t do it all alone…

No one can. At some point you’re going to need help for one reason or another.

And with that help, you can propel your life to a whole new level.

If you’re feeling stuck, or lost, or alone, I hope what I’m saying sinks deep in your soul. I’m speaking to you with full confidence based on what my spiritual journey continues to teach me.


As you know, my book, Meditations Across The King’s River: African-Inspired Wisdom For Life’s Journey, will be published in a few weeks, in early December.

Looking back at the journey of this book, I realize my ancestors sent key people to help and inspire me at strategic points along the way.

One of them is Omitola, and she’s one of the characters you’ll get to meet and learn from in my book. Omitola has a degree in Cultural Resistance.

She also happens to be an activist.

I met her in Guadeloupe in December, 2016. I went there to do a spiritual ceremony for her, and she introduced me to her culture. Going to Guadeloupe and meeting her was the catalyst for this book.

After my visit, it became clear to me exactly how I wanted to write the book. Without Omitola’s help, Meditations Across The King’s River would be a different book. I’m grateful my ancestors allowed us to meet when we did.

I can’t tell you who will come into your life, or when, or even why…

But I know someone will come at some point.

Some of the people that will help you fulfill your destiny might already be in your life — but it takes time for the ancestors to set things up and manifest them on a spiritual level.

Divine timing is a powerful force, and it’s very real. Divine timing is playing out in your life right this very instant. Don’t worry about the big picture; it will be revealed to you when the time is right.

The most important thing you can do right now is:1. Follow your inspiration wherever it leads. 2. Be dedicated to your dream. 3. Don’t allow others or life to distract you from the path you feel inspired to walk.

In order for others to commit to helping you, the first person you must convince to get on board is yourself. When others sense your commitment and determination, in time the right folks will step aboard.

That’s what continues to happen for me. The journey toward a more fulfilling and empowering life isn’t just for some of us — it’s for all of us. I hope you are open to it,  and I am here to support you.

I promised I would be in touch each week until we launch this book and I intend to keep my promise. Each day brings us closer and closer to the publication of Meditations Across The King’s River.

If you respond to this blog, I will definitely write you back.

Sending you warm thoughts and good energy. I look forward to connecting with you again soon.

James Weeks

Producer, Across The King’s River

Yes, You Have A Soulmate!

I believe you have a soulmate…

In fact, I think most people have more than one soulmate. If you haven’t met them yet, one day you probably will.

I’ve been thinking about soulmates a lot lately, because my book, Meditations Across The King’s River: African-Inspired Wisdom For Life’s Journey, will be published in a few weeks, in early December.

My wife, Stephanie, my soulmate, has been helping me get the book ready. She used to work as an editor for Essence Magazine before we met. She also worked as an editor for Parenting Magazine when we later moved to California.

Back in the day with Stephanie, Malcolm and Tulani

Like most couples, we’ve had our share of ups and downs over the years…

Stephanie helped launch my career as a writer back on St.Croix when I was in my twenties. That’s where we got married, and that’s where the family pic in this newsletter was taken.

Lately, as we spent hours and hours reviewing and tweaking every chapter of this book, I’ve come to the realization that this is part of the reason why the ancestors brought us together in the first place.

Not only were we destined to have children together, we were destined to bring Meditations Across The King’s River into the world together, too — it just took decades for it to happen.

I believe there’s a divine reason behind the soulmate or soulmates in your life, too. Sure, It’s not easy to believe there’s a divine purpose in your relationship/s when things get rocky.

But trust me — your soulmate or soulmates didn’t wander into your life accidentally. You are meant to help each other grow, discover new things, become better in some way.

A soulmate isn’t always a romantic connection. Some of my soulmates are friends and business partners. And guess what — at times those connections have been challenging too. But good things have come out of those connections – beautiful things – but none of it happened overnight

So don’t be so quick to give up on your soulmate, whether it’s a spouse, a friend, a co-worker or a business partner. Sometimes, things happen for reasons beyond human understanding.

Hang in there…

What isn’t clear to you now will be clear later. The ancestors see the bigger picture. In time, you will too.

I’ve got to run because we are finalizing things on the book . It will be ready for you very soon. We are both very excited. If you respond to this blog, I will definitely write you back.

You matter to me…

Thinking of you and your loved ones as we get ready to launch Meditations Across The King’s River.

James Weeks

Producer, Across The King’s River

Keep It Moving

You have to keep it moving…

That’s the best advice I can give. We haven’t spoken in a while so I’m not sure what challenges you’re facing these days.

But I can tell you this with 100 percent conviction…

If you follow what your Spirit has been telling you to do, you probably won’t feel as stuck. And you will have more momentum, more peace of mind and more energy to pursue other things that are important to you.

Yes, beloved. Keep it moving. That’s what I am doing.

My upcoming book, Meditations Across The King’s River will be available for purchase in late October, early November. I am excited because I have a lot to share with you. Can’t wait.

I am still working on my film too. Last year, we created a new trailer, assembled a new production team and redesigned our website. You can check it out here: Visit Our Website

Filming in the Bay Area this summer, hopefully the Caribbean this fall, Africa early next year.

Now, I know it’s one thing to say keep it moving, and it’s another thing to actually do it. I don’t know what works for others but I am happy to share what helps me every single day.

Be Patient: Trust in divine timing. Progress does not always mean moving forward, sometimes it means taking a step back, or changing the course of direction. Slow down. Enjoy the journey and allow yourself to be led by Spirit.

Listen Inwardly: Do not let the expectations of others dictate what you should do.The opinions of others are not always relevant to the life lessons you are meant to learn and your soul’s journey. Only you can determine what is best for you.

Renew Your Spirit: Do something to nurture your spirit daily. If you don’t have a daily spiritual practice start one. If you don’t, the negativity of others will throw you off balance and off course. Find a practice that works for you and stick with it.

Chase One Rabbit: My mentors say if you chase two rabbits, you won’t catch any rabbits. But if you chase one rabbit you will succeed. You can’t chase every idea that comes along, even if it’s a good one. Focus on what will deliver the most value.

Eliminate Distractions: Technology should be a tool, not a trap. You don’t have to respond to every single text or phone call immediately. Same thing with the internet. Limit your time. You don’t have to click every update or news feed. Get on and get off.

Hope this helps…

I have to run. I’m busy but never too busy for you. If you respond to this article, I will definitely write you back asap. I guarantee it. Here to support you 100 percent always.

Talk soon

James Weeks

Producer, Across The King’s River


Master Mind, Body and Spirit

I appeared as a guest on Master Mind, Body and Spirit recently…

It’s a show hosted by Matt Belair.  He’s an author, speaker, athlete, coach and speaker.  His show is a top rated podcast on Spirituality on Itunes and has 200 five stars reviews.

Here’s the link to the You Tube Clip: https://youtu.be/6wpPdN3o7DE

We spoke of many things: I shared a bit about my spiritual journey into the Ifa traditions.  But I also spoke about:

  1. How we can keep ourselves grounded with a connection with nature.
  2. Why having a daily spiritual practice is crucial for our spiritual and emotional well being.
  3. Different ways our purpose might be revealed to us.
  4. How progress doesn’t always mean moving forward.
  5. Core principles of the Ifa Spiritual Tradition.
  6. How to live a more purposeful and fulfilling life and more.

I enjoyed talking to Matt.  It was a short, meaningful exchange and I would love to talk to him again when my book, Meditations Across The King’s River is published in November.

Once again, here’s the link: https://youtu.be/6wpPdN3o7DE

Take a listen and comment or send me an email and let me know what you think.



Are You Living Your Purpose?

My friend Vanessa messaged me on Facebook recently…

“How does one discover their purpose,” she asked. “Does your Spirit guide or teacher tell you? I wonder if I’ll ever know mine. I want to choose something that makes me feel happy or fulfilled. But I want it to be aligned with my life’s purpose,” she said.

As a spiritual advisor I hear this question fairly often. The search for purpose is universal and it’s one of the core themes of my upcoming documentary feature film, Across The King’s River.

For many, the search for purpose is elusive because the struggle to survive is so time-consuming and draining that it often leaves little time for addressing the needs of our spirit. Yet our souls long to be fed in a meaningful way.

I believe living a more purposeful life is attainable for each of us. Spirit did not send us to earth to drift aimlessly. Here are some tips for connecting to your purpose.

The clues to our purpose are often around us but it’s our responsibility to put the clues together. Ask yourself these questions: What are your hobbies? What causes are you drawn to? If money was not an issue, what would you spend most of your time doing? What problems are you good at solving? When do you feel most fulfilled? What kind of help do others come to you for? Who are your heroes and what do you admire about them?

What kind of jobs have you done in the past? Is there a connection between past jobs and what you’re doing for a living now? If so, what is the connection? Don’t assume there’s no connection. Thirty years ago I worked as a journalist. My skills as a writer helps me to fulfill my current path as a healer by enabling me to reach large audiences through my inspirational writing.

While someone can give you insight into your purpose, no one can tell you everything about it. Why? Because you’re not a cog in a machine, you’re a spirit with infinite potential. Your purpose can change over time depending on the needs of your ancestors and the universe. The spirit world is the employer, your purpose is the task or the mission the spirit world is asking you to fulfill.

Your family members can lead you closer to your purpose. Shortly after I met my wife, Stephanie, she helped me launch my career as a writer. I might not have considered it otherwise. My eldest son led me to my path as a healer. Pay attention to what members in your family are inspiring you to do, but also pay attention to issues family members are struggling with. Their struggles might lead you to your purpose.

Knowing your purpose does not necessarily make your life easier, but it does make it fulfilling. Though I have clarity about what I’ve been sent here to do, I face hardship and obstacles along the way just like everyone else. Malidoma Some, the great African shaman and author of the book “Of Water and The Spirit,” was kidnapped by Jesuit priests as a child and was taken away from his culture and people for many years. He had to go through that experience in order to fulfill his purpose. You have to go through certain tests to bring you closer to your purpose, too, and that’s precisely what your going through right now. Embrace it. Try to see it as a friend, instead of a foe.

Envision who you feel called to serve. What is his or her story? What keeps him or her up at night worrying? What is his/her deepest fear? How can you help? What will happen to him or her if you don’t do what you feel called to do? What will happen to YOU if allow your own fears or insecurities to get in the way of being of service and following your purpose? What steps are you taking on a daily basis to sharpen your skills? What legacy would you like to leave for others to follow?

I have so much to share with you, but I can’t say it all in one blog. I’ll be sharing more in a few weeks. In the meantime, I would love to hear your thoughts.

P.S. Sign up for my monthly newsletters if you’ve enjoyed reading this blog. That way I can send inspirational messages to you via email every month.


James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River