I was a guest on The Ready Writer show recently.

It’s a series hosted by Casey Bell. He interviews writers about their journey, and also shares tips for aspiring authors.

You can check out our conversation here: Reader Writer Interview.

We spoke about many things.

I didn’t grow up dreaming of being a writer and I told Casey that right away.

And I had no idea I was destined to be a filmmaker, a finance coach or a spiritual guide in the Yoruba sacred tradition.

But my journey led me to all of these things.

I believe your journey will take you places you cannot begin to imagine.

Because of all you’ve been through, you might doubt there’s a divine plan for your life, but I know God has something specially designed for you.

But keep this in mind, What you hope to achieve won’t happen overnight. None of the things I’ve accomplished so far have happened overnight. It’s been a step-by-step journey.

During my interview, Casey asked what advice I would give to those who feel depressed, discouraged or overwhelmed by all the tension and craziness in our world.

Here’s what I told him

1. Practice daily self-care. Take time out for reflection.

2. Check in with your own Spirit consistently.

3. Focus on what inspires you. This is all I try to do every single day. Follow inspiration.

4. Instead of only doing what you want to do. Do what you need to do.

5. Try to look at your problems in a different way? Ask yourself: How can I grow from this experience?

This is all for now.

Here’s the link to the interview once again. The Ready Writer Interview

Check it out and let me know what you think. Also, if you would like to support my newsletter, click here: Newsletter Tip.

Enjoy Your Weekend

James Weeks

Author Meditations Across The King’s River

P.S. Still available for spiritual readings.

P.S.S. Signed copies of my book are still available.

P.S.S. If you would like information about creating generational wealth let me know.