Why do you think your dream not attainable? Or why do you think you’ll never get support for your vision?

When I began the journey toward my film in 2008, I never imagined that I would be invited to speak at Harvard University one day.

But it happened. Even though my film is not finished yet. (You can see a clip of my presentation below.)

I’m sharing this story with you because too often we limit ourselves. We imprison ourselves with negative thinking. We stop ourselves before we even give ourselves a chance to soar by venturing into the unknown.

And the unknown is where the action is..

The path of the unknown is the path of the warrior, the visionary, the healer, the prophet…

My journey toward this film has not been an easy one. It has been full of challenges and setbacks along the way. And the challenges are far from over.

Why do I stay on the path?

Because I know Across The King’s River will have a significant impact in the lives of millions of people around the world.

I believe you can have a significant impact as well.

But only if you stay in your path. And step into the unknown with faith.


James Weeks/Across The King’s River