mega bucksThe request from the client was urgent….

He needed $15,000 to pay off some debts in a hurry and every request he made for a loan has been rejected so far.

So he was hoping that maybe I could use my skills as an Ifa diviner or as a numerologist to help him win the lotto.

I wish I could, and I would do it for him in a heartbeat (for free) if I was certain I could…

But the truth is that no diviner, no medium, no psychic, no seer that I know will make such a claim. And I would be highly suspicious of any spiritual worker who makes such a claim because if they could predict the lotto, I doubt they would be doing spiritual work.

So, here’s what I told my client:

I told him to be patient. And I reminded him that we’re all on a spiritual journey and while we may not always get what we want (even when we do spiritual work), we get what we need.

And many times what we need are challenges – difficulties that force us to change the way that we live and/or the way that we think.

Sometimes, the very things that we think we need are taken away from us so that we can learn that we didn’t need them in the first place.

That’s what happened to me…

I lost my job in Corporate America in 2011 and wondered how I would survive. I now realize that I didn’t have to worry.

These days I earn my living as an Ifa diviner while I work on my film. Granted, I don’t always know when or where my next dollar will come from. But I know that it will come.

My lesson was to learn that Ifa and the ancestors and my elders have my back. Yet it was a difficult lesson to learn and it came with a price – a very high price.

Without challenges there can be no faith. Without faith or trust, there can be no growth. Yes, winning the lotto might be nice.

But that’s not what you need and that’s not what I need.

What you need is the conviction to stay on your path, the courage to keep on fighting, and the wisdom to know that amidst your current challenges you’ll find spiritual gems that can truly empower you!

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James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River