Keisha-Gaye Anderson

Keisha-Gaye Anderson

“I write exactly what comes into my head,” my friend, Keisha, tells me. “I honor whatever comes. When I’m writing the poems, I’m listening. I go into a different zone.”

Keisha is a poet and a rising force in the literary world. She “wields her pen like a Samurai swordsman,” says master poet, Abiodun Oyewole, a founding member of the legendary group, The Last Poets. “Her poetry deals with the personal us, the intimate us, and the history of us.”

Her latest book is entitled, Gathering The Waters, and you can order it by clicking here.

Being creative, says Keisha, means: “listening well. To yourself. To the world you can see and the world you can’t see. It means being open enough to translate and transcribe the information that comes to you without judgment or censorship. Being a conduit for inspired words is not to be taken lightly.”

I hope you’re paying close attention…

You might not be a poet but what Keisha is saying can help you on your path of self development.

We’re all connected to Spirit, and something sacred is trying to flow through you, too. Don’t judge it! Don’t censor it! Just let it flow, like Keisha does.

Born in Kingston, Jamaica, and raised in Rosedale, Queens, Keisha currently lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two children. Her first love has always been writing.

“The only thing that has ever moved me on a really deep level is art, and the particular art form of literature and poetry. It’s a place where I can feel completely myself,” says Keisha.

“My job is to be the best at my craft as possible,” she says. “Not being in competition with anyone else. Not preaching a particular idea. You can believe whatever you want to believe. That’s my road of development.”

Keisha’s advice to aspiring writers is profound and can be useful to anyone who’s soul searching. “It’s so important to know what you want,” she says. “Why do you want to do what you want to do? It’s hard to know what you want to do because when you’re born, you are told what to want.”

“There comes a time in your life when you have to ask, ‘Why do I want what I want?’ Then you must reprogram yourself so you know what you should want authentically.”

For more information about Keisha visit:, and you can connect with her on FB and Twitter at the following links: Facebook Twitter.

But back to you. What moves you on a deep level? Or, who moves you on a deep level? Are you committed to being the best you can be with your talents? I really want to know, so reply to this email and I’ll be sure to send you a personal response.

Until I hear from you, may the ancestors bless you from the north, the south, the east and the west.


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James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River