“There’s nothing that a master Ifa diviner cannot see – there’s nothing that a master Ifa cannot know.” So says a sacred verse in the Ifa spiritual tradition. But lately I’ve also come to believe that there’s nothing that a highly skilled awo (diviner/priest) cannot do.

I say this because I have encountered “Giants in the South.” Who are the “Giants in the South?” An extraordinary duo of entertainment industry experts who believe so strongly in our film that they will ensure that it gets funded. They are also providing the necessary management and legal support to make sure that the full potential of “Across The King’s River” is realized.

In the book, “The Alchemist,” author Paul Coelho, one of the main character says: “When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it.” Why am I sharing this quote with you? Because I believe it’s true.

But here’s the key, you must want it badly enough. And you must be willing to support it yourself. You must also understand that kindred souls may have a vested interest in seeing your vision come to fruition – but you’ll never discover this if you surrender to the temptation to give up.

Kindred souls have their own reasons for coming to your assistance. In my case, the “Giants in the South” understand the impact that art has on the subconscious minds of the masses and they refuse to support “shit.” They are willing to support and fund “Across The King’s River” because they believe it will a significant impact in the lives of millions.

I’m grateful for the leadership and the commitment of the “giants” I’ve discovered. They have changed my life and the course of this film……..the journey to the vision of the ancestors continues.

Allow yourself to be guided – you’ll be surprised at how far you can get.