Happy New Year to you and your family…

If 2017 was a rough year for you, I’m hoping 2018 is much better and finds you in good health, good spirits and on the path to spiritual growth and abundance.

A few weeks ago, I wrote a short post about miracles on the Across The King’s River FB page. Can’t remember exactly what I said, but I basically said you should be open to miracles.

I truly believe this, but I know some folks will say it’s wishful thinking and others are already stressing about what 2018 will bring. OK. I get it. I’m an optimist, but I’m no fool.

… Sure, I know we’re up against major challenges in 2018. I’m not disputing that.

Just saying miracles also exist — not only do miracles happen, they happen far more often than you might think. So don’t go into 2018 assuming a miracle can’t happen for you or for someone you love.

I’ve witnessed many miracles in 2017 — in my own life and in the lives of others…

Last month, my friend Orisade Awodola, told a packed crowd in Seattle about a blessing she received. Orisade is an influential black psychologist. In fact, she has a Ph.D psychology.

And every year Orisade hosts an Ancestral Healing Conference which brings leading scholars, activists and artists from the African diaspora together to share insights that can help promote healing and unity in our communities.

I was blessed to be one of the featured speakers at this year’s conference in Seattle…

But anyway, the miracle Orisade shared is how a man that was previously homeless made a significant financial contribution to help fund this year’s conference. His generous investment helped make the 5th Annual Ancestral Healing Conference a huge success…

It was first class all the way. In the words of Orisade, the conference was “the cream of the crop.”

Alright, I know you’re probably sitting there wondering how a homeless man could help fund a major international conference. Great question and here’s the answer. It’s because he won a court case against his former employer and was awarded BIG money.

…So, I’m pleased to tell you he’s no longer homeless. In fact, by many standards, he’s a wealthy man now. His name is Victor, by the way, and he’s a man of unshakeable faith. He’s on a mission to touch and transform as many lives as possible.

Orisade’s story is a powerful testimony of what’s possible. I was moved when I heard her story and felt you would appreciate hearing it too. All of us can use an infusion of hope because most of what you read or hear in the news these days can send you in a deep depression.

Turns out Orisade and Victor first met several years ago. Even back then, when Victor was homeless, walking around in the streets with only a backpack, going from shelter to shelter, he saw something special in Orisade and vowed to support her vision when money came his way.

Victor kept his word: the money came, the investment came, the scholars came, success came…

So don’t tell me miracles don’t happen. I’ve seen too much. Heard too much. Know too much…

Here’s a tip for you as you navigate through the storms of 2018. Don’t rule out anything. Don’t rule out anyone. You have no idea who might be in your presence so try to not to judge others. Orisade says you “could be entertaining an angel” at any given moment, an angel that is determined and equipped to change your life for the better.

Trust me, I met an angel at the conference. My life has been transformed in many ways…

And here’s the other side of expecting a miracle. YOU can be a miracle for someone. YOU can be that angel. YOU can be that rock or light in someone’s life. I find this notion empowering and exciting. I’m accepting the challenge.

YOU can do this…

You don’t have to change the whole world but you definitely can change one person’s world. Victor says the highest calling is peace and love. “Don’t give up,” he says. “With faith, hope and love, you’ll find what you’re looking for.”

“There’s a future,” he adds, “and it’s bright.”

I like the way Victor thinks. I’m going down that road. You can choose to be empowered and inspired in 2018. It’s all up to you! What will you choose?

Would love to hear your thoughts and your plans for 2018 so hit reply and I’ll respond as soon as I can.

And if you’ve enjoyed this article, please sign up for my inspirational newsletters at the link below. Talk soon.

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All My Love

James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River

Across the King's River