My friend, Simone, had to hit rock bottom before she fully embraced her spiritual gifts.

“I was scared, and fear took over,” she told me during a FB talk last year. “I was focused on what other people would think.”

Simone is a spiritual medium; she connects with ancestors to help guide people through life.

But coming from a middle-class, church-going family in Barbados made it challenging for Simone to open up as she stepped into the work she has been called to do.

Simone’s journey is interesting to me because she loved her former career as an event planner in the travel and leisure industry.

But Spirit had other plans for her.

Simone says we learn valuable lessons when “we are in the valley and our faith is in the dirt.”

What gifts do you have?  What do you feel called to do?

If you’re not sure there’s no need to worry or rush because I’m confident that your destiny will be revealed in time. I was in my early forties when an African shaman told me I was destined to be an Ifa priest and diviner.

Once you have clarity about what you feel called to do, pursue it with conviction, discipline and commitment. “Trust and obey,” says Simone.

What do you plan to do with your gift in 2023? Have confidence! There’s nothing to fear. We are all blessed in different ways.

Your gift might be exactly what the universe needs right now.  What you have to offer is priceless.

Simone says that when you are walking in your truth, the opinions of others no longer matter. “Who will be for you, will be there when you make that shift,” she says.

“Trust your intuition,” says Simone. “Trust your feelings.”

There are eleven months left in 2023.  Don’t let fear stop you from living your best life.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this message.  Blessings to you in all your endeavors.

James Weeks