His passion for mathematics began early in life…

Sangodare Brown

Sangodare Brown

Sangodare Brown was six years-old, in the first grade, and his father had just introduced him to multiplication tables.

But he was hungry to learn more.

So when Sangodare found out his older sister, Philippa, was studying high school algebra he wanted to learn it too.

Then, in the second grade, when his brother was given the high school assignment of memorizing the names of all 38 U.S. presidents, little Sangodare took on that challenge as well.

Even now, at 43, Sangodare’s quest for knowledge has no end…

Not only does he have B.A. degrees in both mathematics and computer science, he’s a scholar of comparative religion, a numerologist, an astrologist and an initiated Ifa priest.

And he’s modest too…

I was impressed when I learned that this brother once worked as a software engineer for NASA’s Space Shuttle Program. That’s right — his team was responsible for making sure that the mechanical arm and the display panels on the space shuttle worked properly.

But Sangodare tends to downplay that achievement…

NASA was a stepping stone, he says, but it wasn’t his life’s purpose. His life’s purpose, he insists, is to show the link between science, math and spirituality.

And he goes to great lengths to try to pull this off…

Though Sangodare lives and works as a math teacher in Egypt, his research has also taken him to China, Italy, Senegal, France, Great Britain, Sudan, Turkey, India, Greece, Belgium, Spain, Thailand, Singapore, Cape Verde, Vatican City and Nigeria.

Where some might only be able to see architecture or where some might only be able to see religion, Sangodare sees flashes of numbers and patterns and weaves everything together in thought provoking ways.

Here’s what he had to say in our recent interview:

How Math Is Related to Spirituality

“When you’re dealing with spirituality you’re dealing with unseen forces. The principles that govern mathematics are the same principles that govern the unknown. Math is one of the keys that will enable you to go beneath the surface. It’s always there but it enables you to see what’s there. Most people have no clue about what’s there. Mathematics is the key to everything we know of in existence. It’s the language of how everything in the universe communicates with each other. When we are solving math problems, we must learn how to balance equations, positive and negative numbers. In spirituality, we must learn how to balance positive and negative forces inside ourselves.”

Why Passion Is The Key

“If you don’t have a passion for something, you’re not going to love doing it. That’s why people start to hate their jobs. That’s why they get fired – it’s because they are not on the road to fulfilling their destiny. They have not stepped into their purpose. I know individuals who go to school and get a degree in something, not because they love it, but because they think they will make more money. Don’t worry about the money. Do what you want to do. Do what makes you happy.”

The Biggest Misconception About African Spirituality

“The biggest misconception is that it’s demonic or that they don’t believe in one God, But If you study the oldest versions of Christianity, you can see the connection between African spirituality and the traditional Western religions. Even people who study ancient Egyptian culture and history are not comfortable around indigenous African spirituality. It’s a tragedy that we’ve been conditioned not to love our own.”

What Drives Sangodare Brown

“I’m driven by the esoteric, by cosmology. I’m driven by religion and philosophy, but at the same time I see numbers and patterns and I connect the dots.”

What To Expect In A Reading

“A reading should confirm what you already know. Then, we can expand that reading and we can look into the future to see what type of energy is governing your future and offset any pitfalls that we see might be coming your way. At the same time, there are things that we can do to enhance that which is positive.”

How To Contact Sangodare For A Reading

Sangodare Brown can be contacted at: 281-973-6666 or by email at cbrown@ganphilosophy.com

By James Weeks/Producer, Across The King’s River