It might not be going your way right now…

But this doesn’t mean it was a mistake.

And it doesn’t mean things won’t work out in the end.

Stay on the path; keep taking one step forward every day. Think about how far you’ve come, and what you’ve learned along the way.

I was sharing this wisdom with a client recently, but I also feel inspired to share it with you.

In my client’s case, she’s a bit frustrated because she’s been trying to buy a house for the past year, but she’s been having so many challenges.

“Why do I have to fight for everything that comes to me?” she asked a few weeks ago.

I understand how she feels; I advised her not to take the setbacks personally.

Even though I don’t know exactly what you’re going through, I know this.

1. Most goals take longer than planned. I can’t think of a single goal I’ve achieved that happened in the time frame I envisioned.

2. Everyone is being tested in some way. You might not think others are being tested, but I can assure you they are. Most people will not admit what they are going through and the tremendous pressure they feel.

3. Adversity is necessary for our growth. If things come easily, our soul doesn’t get a chance to grow. We also don’t get a chance to discover our strengths and weaknesses.

I have full confidence my client will be successful buying a home. It’s just a matter of time. In fact, she texted me this morning to say “the bank accepted my original offer. It’s step forward.”

“Beautiful,” I said.

I’m happy for her. I’m also excited to hear what blessings might manifest for you if you stay on your path.

Don’t give up! Don’t get discouraged.

In time I pray the doors will open for you.

I’m here to support you. Feel free to write and I will respond as soon as I can.

Blessings to you.

James Weeks