That’s the text I received from one of my clients while I was out taking a walk today.
“He’s growing fast. He’s three pounds already. He’s very healthy and active,” said my client who’s seven months pregnant.
I smiled. It’s great news.
It was gratifying for me because I did a spiritual reading for my client about four years ago, and I told her she would be having a baby.
In fact, pregnancy came up for my client in several readings I did for her over the years. Since I started doing readings more than ten years ago, at least 12 women have delivered babies.
I love sharing in the joy of my clients. I also love supporting clients through rocky times.
My client isn’t the only one that’s about to begin a new chapter. My journey has taught me there’s so many chapters ahead of us.
Your soul is eternal. The journey you’re on has no end. So many things are possible for you.
While my client welcomes her newborn baby, who knows, you might receive news of a new job, a new promotion, a new relationship. Maybe a business opportunity will come your way.
Maybe you will have a spiritual transformation, or maybe your marriage will improve for the better. Who knows?
Of course, new chapters come with new challenges.
But guess what, beautiful things can come out of your challenges. Open the door. Don’t be afraid to walk through it.
Your soul is ready for an opportunity to evolve; it can be fun and exciting and terrifying all at the same time. But go for it.
This is all for now.
Would love to hear about any new chapters in your life.
But take a moment to be still. Not just today, but every day.
That’s when the answers you need are most likely to come to you.
That’s what my friend Cheree Hill shared during our FB Live a while ago.
You can listen to a short clip of our talk here.
She’s on a life-long journey of healing.
Cheree is the owner of YESS, a wellness center in San Leandro, California that offers a variety of services including weight and pain management, body sculpting and more.
Her journey into entrepreneurship began when she lost weight and wanted to help others do the same.
Along the way she has become very clear about what her gifts are and how to serve others.
What Cheree says about stillness is important. We can all benefit from this simple wisdom.
The pressures of life often make it difficult for us to hear our inner voice and what our soul needs.
Spirit wants us to thrive, not merely survive.
I hope stillness works for you.
Would love to hear how you’ve been, what you’re going through and what’s working for you.
I recently found an old photograph I had completely forgotten about.
It was taken during my first trip to Nigeria in 2003. It’s a photo of my son, Malcolm, standing next to a healer.
This photo brings back memories of a chaotic time of my life when Malcolm was involved with gangs in Oakland, California.
I took Malcolm with me to Nigeria get spiritual help from my elders. I also went for my own spiritual initiation as a babalawo, or priest of Ifa.
Healers in Nigeria gave my son a spiritual bath and performed lots of rituals to help him. Malcolm was there for one month, but I had to leave after three weeks to get back to work.
I love the expression on the healer’s face; the expression says: “this is serious business.”
And it was serious business. It was a matter of life and death.
The experience in Nigeria helped transform Malcolm’s life as well as mine. Today we run a honey business together, and it’s growing. Here’s the link to Sweet Simone:
My son has turned out to be a great Dad and an amazing businessman.
I like to share my testimony of faith because it’s not always easy to believe things can improve for the better when life seems to be moving against us.
Not sure what you are going through. I’m here to tell you that something good can come out of your challenges.
No storm lasts forever. Never give up.
Love and blessings:
P.S. Still available for spiritual readings: Book Reading
P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe to my You Tube Channel. I will be interviewing healers, authors, and life coaches, and I don’t want you to miss out on their wisdom. Here’s the link: My You Tube Channel
My friend, Simone, had to hit rock bottom before she fully embraced her spiritual gifts.
“I was scared, and fear took over,” she told me during a FB talk last year. “I was focused on what other people would think.”
Simone is a spiritual medium; she connects with ancestors to help guide people through life.
But coming from a middle-class, church-going family in Barbados made it challenging for Simone to open up as she stepped into the work she has been called to do.
Simone’s journey is interesting to me because she loved her former career as an event planner in the travel and leisure industry.
But Spirit had other plans for her.
Simone says we learn valuable lessons when “we are in the valley and our faith is in the dirt.”
What gifts do you have? What do you feel called to do?
If you’re not sure there’s no need to worry or rush because I’m confident that your destiny will be revealed in time. I was in my early forties when an African shaman told me I was destined to be an Ifa priest and diviner.
Once you have clarity about what you feel called to do, pursue it with conviction, discipline and commitment. “Trust and obey,” says Simone.
What do you plan to do with your gift in 2023? Have confidence! There’s nothing to fear. We are all blessed in different ways.
Your gift might be exactly what the universe needs right now. What you have to offer is priceless.
Simone says that when you are walking in your truth, the opinions of others no longer matter. “Who will be for you, will be there when you make that shift,” she says.
“Trust your intuition,” says Simone. “Trust your feelings.”
There are eleven months left in 2023. Don’t let fear stop you from living your best life.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this message. Blessings to you in all your endeavors.
I hope 2023 is off to a good start for you, and your family. I’m wishing you good health, love and abundance.
And clarity and wisdom too:)
I don’t know what your goals are for the new year, but I strongly believe emotional health and self-care should be at the top of the list.
Emotional health is the foundation — don’t be afraid to ask for help for yourself or loved ones when you need it.
Be consistent with exercise and a daily spiritual practice as well.
Also, decide what you want in 2023.
If you’re not sure what you want, start by getting clear about what you don’t want. Sometimes we’re doing too much — chasing way too many goals.
The more focused you are, the easier it will be to achieve your goals. What are you most passionate about? Where are you wasting time? What can you say NO to in order to focus on what you really want?
This year, my son, Malcolm, and I are focusing on getting our brand of organic honey in more stores nationwide.
Our brand is called Sweet Simone — Malcolm named the brand after his oldest daughter. It’s already in one store in the San Francisco Bay Area. It’s a fun project. It all started when I decided to get bees for our garden in 2021.
To learn more about our journey in the honey business, or to order a jar for yourself, visit, Sweet Simone Organic Honey. Sweet Simone Organic Honey
Anyway, enough about me. Let’s talk about you. What’s going on in your life? Would love to hear about it. I’m here to support you.
I had a great talk with my friend, Iya Omitosin recently.
She’s a healer, an accomplished businesswoman, and a leading Iyanifa, or high priestess in the Yoruba spiritual tradition.
I love her because she’s down to earth, and loves helping people. One of the nuggets she shares in our talk is the importance of saying no.
Iya Omitosin is sharing this wisdom because she used to be a people pleaser. She was so determined to make others happy, that she ended up making herself sick. She developed fibroids.
Don’t let this happen to you! Learn to say no!
Learning to say no isn’t the only thing we discussed. We also shared tips for connecting to nature and our ancestors.
I’m proud of Iya Omitosin’s journey. We first met around 2015. In addition to offering spiritual readings and reiki sessions, she’s one of the founders of Gathering Roots, a 78-acre retreat and wellness center in Auburn, Washington that promotes wellness, traditional healing, spirituality, sustainable land stewardship and food sovereignty.”
Special thanks to Iya Omitosin for sharing her love and wisdom with us.
James Weeks
Meditations Across The King’s River: African-inspired Wisdom For Life’s Journey