Are You Living The Life You Deserve

A dear friend and client recently sent me some photos via Whatsapp.

I was so happy to receive them. The energy around her was uplifting.

She looked beautiful, happy, relaxed, vibrant, and I was quick to tell her so.

“Decided I’m going to live the life, I deserve. I get to choose what that looks like. The universe will support me. It’s very empowering,” she said.

I’m so proud of her, Constance.

And that’s because I remember the dark days. Not too long ago she was in the midst of a storm.

She faced one challenge after another: Her beloved grandmother died, a family business failed, she was in a car accident, and her marriage was in trouble.

I remember those days so well because we texted almost every day on Whatsapp.

But earlier this year she began making bold moves.

Not only did she file for a divorce; she took a leap of faith and moved to the UK from the Caribbean with her teenage son.

So far, it’s working out great.

Her old boss will provide work she can do remotely. She’s in a beautiful house in the UK with a pool in the backyard.

And she’s around like-minded folks who also had the courage to move on with their lives and embrace something new.

She texted me again a few days ago: “So grateful for the changes I’ve made. We were born to live. Not only is it possible — we deserve it. We were not placed here to struggle, barely scratch out an existence and die,” she said.

I’m sharing her journey with you because I hope it inspires you in some way. If you feel stuck or unhappy, you can move on too.

Not saying you can do it overnight, but surely with patience and a solid plan and lots of determination you can find your way.

I truly believe we can all live richer, more abundant lives.

This is the last quarter of 2023. It’s a great time to start envisioning what you want 2024 to look like.

And it’s also a great time to reflect on changes you need to make to turn things around for the better.

You deserve more, Constance. We all do. You get to decide what that looks like.

Let’s get it.



Be Smart With Your Money

My friend Jewel Love said something that caught my attention recently.

He’s on a bold mission to help black men make seven figures.

I’ve known Jewel for a long time. He’s the CEO of Black Executive men.

And he wasn’t always this bold…

Years ago, we would meet in his tiny apartment in Oakland to share our dreams for the future.

Back then he was an aspiring therapist; now he’s a coach living his best life in Jalisco, Mexico.
I love his mission because my community hates talking about money.

Spiritual folks often pretend money doesn’t matter. It does.

Some of my friends are literally working themselves to death – long, ridiculous hours and don’t have much to show for it.

And when Mom got sick years ago, it became clear to me why folks end up losing homes and their family inheritance.

Financial instability is linked to poor health, high stress, anxiety, depression and hopelessness.
We can all do better.

I included a chapter on financial wellness in my book, Meditations Across The King’s River because experts say African-Americans and Latinx communities are on a path of having zero wealth.

But here’s some good news.

You CAN improve your finances. You CAN learn new skills. There are so many paths to build wealth and preserve it.

Pick one path and don’t give up!

I’ve learned new skills: I’m a trader, an investor, and I’m also a bookkeeper. I love what I do.
As a bookkeeper, I help businesses grow. As a trader, I protect and grow money.

To learn more about my financial services check out these links: Learn to Trade, Bookkeeping

Your future does not have to be depressing. It can be bright. Set a goal for the rest of 2023 and start planning for 2024. Hold yourself accountable for reaching your goals.

Maybe you can work on your credit, or set up a trust, or turn your passions into a business, or learn to invest. There are many options. Talk to a financial planner or a tax consultant.

And keep this in mind…

Building wealth isn’t merely about making more money – we must be smart about the assets we already have.

The goal is to also find peace and fulfillment in other areas of our lives.

It’s not too late to learn and take action. You can do this. You can enjoy life and have money in the bank too.

I’m happy my friend Jewel is having wealth conversations. Let’s start having wealth conversations too.

Would love to hear your financial plans so comment or send me a DM.

Talk soon.

Open Your Doors

I wasn’t expecting my spiritual mentor to die when he did.

It came as a complete shock. One minute he was here, and the next minute he was gone.

His name was Dr. Afolabi Epega. He was a round, jovial Nigerian man. That’s him in this photo.

He was fifth-generation Ifa diviner, and he was also a scientist with a PhD in organic chemistry.

Baba Epega made us laugh and he made us think. He had no fear of death because Spirit lives on forever, he said.

He taught me so many spiritual lessons before he died in 2006.
I’ll never forget what he said about keeping our doors open. I think about it every day.

He never understood why people fight so hard to stay in toxic, or dead relationships. He felt we should open our doors and let folks go.

“You can’t love people by force,” Baba said. “Open your doors.”

And that’s what I want you to meditate on today. Maybe it’s time to reflect on folks in your circle and open your doors.

And maybe it would be wise to ask yourself if it’s really worth hanging on to every single relationship.

This is what I’ve been doing. I’ve been cutting folks loose left and right.
I’m being a bit dramatic:) lol.

The cutting hasn’t been so deep but let me assure you that I have been opening my doors.

And I’m not looking back…

I’ve learned to say goodbye and I’m at peace with it.

Here’s the thing. If a relationship or friendship is draining your energy you won’t have the energy to focus on your vision, and you won’t even be able to relax.

Trust me, you need all the energy and joy you can get. We’re in the last quarter of 2023 and 2024 will soon be here.

You can’t move forward with a distracted mind. So let the distractions go. It’s time to elevate mind, body and soul.

Open some doors. You will be happy you did. Let me know if you are on board with this.

Go Where The Ancestors Are

You must go where the ancestors are…

And when you get there stay as long as you can, so you can gather more love, more courage, more wisdom.

You have unfinished business to take care of. We all do.

Don’t you think it’s time to get down to that unfinished business?

This photo was taken in the heart of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Although I grew up on St. Croix, the island of Puerto Rico also speaks to me loud and clear.

This is because I also have roots here…

And I also have roots in Nevis, St. Kitts, Monserratte Barbados, Nigeria and Benin.
Where are your roots? Are you nurturing those roots?

I’ll be moving through the Caribbean and West Africa again soon. The ancestors have made it clear that this is what I need to do.

2023 is almost over family. I hope you are using this season to get clear on your goals and your legacy.

The ancestors will guide you, but you must be clear about where you want to go and what you want to do.

There’s no time to waste. Play time is over. Let’s get it.

James Weeks

Be Open To Your Blessings

I was a guest on a podcast called The Conscious Consultant recently

I spoke about my spiritual journey and the forces of adversity that led me to my purpose.

Near the end of our interview, the host asked how I feel about the global challenges we face: climate change, political unrest, endless wars — you name it.

He wanted to know if I feel optimistic or pessimistic.

I told him I’m an optimist. Straight up! That’s my truth and I’m sticking to it.

Of course, the world is in turmoil. But think about it. Was there ever a time in history when the earth was without crisis?

Every spiritual tradition teaches the metaphysical truth that where there is darkness, there must also be light. I believe everything eventually balances out. If there are no challenges, there can be no growth.

During my Ifa divination training, my mentor, the late Afolabi Epega, said we must look for something good in every situation we find ourselves in. “Nothing is perfectly good,” he said, “and nothing is perfectly bad.”

Here’s what I choose to focus on instead:

1. Every day on planet earth, I know some people go out of their way to help others.

2. Every day on planet earth, someone, somewhere experiences some kind of spiritual transformation.

3. Every day on our planet, babies are born, and new poems, songs, dances are created.

4. Every day on our planet, someone, somewhere falls in love.

5. Every day, someone, somewhere wakes up to their own power and decides to take it back.

So, despite the global challenges, I’m looking forward to who I can become and who I can impact. I’m excited. I’m just getting started. I know magical things happen to someone, somewhere every day.

Magical things can happen to you.

Be open to transformation and be open to blessings that are coming your way.

I’ll be checking on you more often. Feel free to reach out anytime.

Looking forward to hearing what your goals are and how you plan to achieve them.

Talk to you again soon.


Don’t Take It Personally

It might not be going your way right now…

But this doesn’t mean it was a mistake.

And it doesn’t mean things won’t work out in the end.

Stay on the path; keep taking one step forward every day. Think about how far you’ve come, and what you’ve learned along the way.

I was sharing this wisdom with a client recently, but I also feel inspired to share it with you.

In my client’s case, she’s a bit frustrated because she’s been trying to buy a house for the past year, but she’s been having so many challenges.

“Why do I have to fight for everything that comes to me?” she asked a few weeks ago.

I understand how she feels; I advised her not to take the setbacks personally.

Even though I don’t know exactly what you’re going through, I know this.

1. Most goals take longer than planned. I can’t think of a single goal I’ve achieved that happened in the time frame I envisioned.

2. Everyone is being tested in some way. You might not think others are being tested, but I can assure you they are. Most people will not admit what they are going through and the tremendous pressure they feel.

3. Adversity is necessary for our growth. If things come easily, our soul doesn’t get a chance to grow. We also don’t get a chance to discover our strengths and weaknesses.

I have full confidence my client will be successful buying a home. It’s just a matter of time. In fact, she texted me this morning to say “the bank accepted my original offer. It’s step forward.”

“Beautiful,” I said.

I’m happy for her. I’m also excited to hear what blessings might manifest for you if you stay on your path.

Don’t give up! Don’t get discouraged.

In time I pray the doors will open for you.

I’m here to support you. Feel free to write and I will respond as soon as I can.

Blessings to you.

James Weeks