What are you grateful for?

We gathered in the living room before dinner last night, and asked three of our grandchildren what they’re grateful for.

It was cold outside, but it was warm inside. Thank God the heater is working.

Anyways, the little ones had something to say. I can’t remember all of their comments. Must be getting old. One said love, one said family, one said food.

I was grateful we could be together…

2019 has been a challenging year for so many people, including me. But it’s also been a year of spiritual growth and many blessings. But it sure wasn’t easy.

What are you grateful for? And who are you grateful for?

It’s so easy to lose sight of what’s important and who’s important.

…Especially when things feel like an uphill battle.

That’s where faith and wisdom comes in…

Recently, one of my mentors said we must have faith that the right doors are opening in our lives and the wrong doors are closing. And it doesn’t stop there. We must also have faith that the right people are coming into our lives and that the wrong people are leaving.

Another mentor said, “slow motion is better than no motion.” I love it. You might not be where you want to be in life right now, but as long as you keep working on yourself daily and keep moving in the direction of your dreams, that’s all that matters.

I’m grateful for the small things, the small wins, the small victories, and the spiritual insights that comes from adversity and the many tests that life brings.

I’m also grateful for you and your presence in my life.

Please know that I’m sending good energy to you and your family as we get closer and closer to 2020.

If you write, I will definitely write back.

Talk soon
All my love.
P.S. Still available for spiritual readings. P.P.S. If you would like a signed copy of my book, email me at james@acrossthekingsriver.com, and let me know if you prefer to purchase a softcover cover or a hard cover.

James Weeks Meditations Across The King’s River

Do It With Love

I was talking to a client recently…

For the past year or so, she had been trying to build a business online.

But she stopped because she wasn’t seeing the results she had hoped for.
“I lost momentum,” she explained. “It’s difficult.”

“Yes. I know it’s difficult,” I told her. “But you have to decide what kind of difficulty you want to face. The difficulty of building a business or the difficulty of being at job you don’t like forever.”

I suggested taking time off to think it over, and to decide what she really wants to do.

I’m sharing this with you for a simple reason…

Too often we give up so soon, so easily. Sometimes, just when our lives are about to change for the better, we give up and nothing changes.

Yes, Beloved. We get in the way of our own blessings. In order for things to change we must change too…

While you might not be trying to build a business, I KNOW you want to get to the next level, whatever that means for you.

Surely our lives can be better, richer, wiser, more fulfilling…

Your next level might be in your career, your health, your relationship, your finances, or in academic or spiritual development.

My advice to you is similar to the advice I ended up giving to my client. I believe you need to keep going. At least, that’s what I intend to do. I’m all in.

If you’ve lost momentum or focus, now is the time to get it back. 2020 is around the corner.

Here are some tips I hope will help.

  1. Get clear on what you love, because what you love is deeply connected to your purpose.
  2. Instead of dwelling on what you want, focus on what you can give or who you can help.
  3. Get a mentor and stay connected.
  4. Be selective about how you spend your time.
  5. Adopt a daily spiritual practice and exercise program.
  6. Be willing to work on your vision no matter how long it takes.

Finally, be consistent…

And nothing can thrive without love….

Consistency is the secret of all secrets. There’s no way you can succeed without consistency.

Do it with love, james. Do it from your heart. Do it with dedication.
Have to run, but would love to hear from you. I’m sending good energy to you and your family as we get closer to 2020.

If you write, I will definitely write back.

Still available for spiritual readings if you need one, so let me know.
All my love.

Talk soon!   P.S. If you would like a signed copy of my book, email me at james@acrossthekingsriver.com, and let me know if you prefer to purchase a softcover cover or a hard cover.

Mom’s Long Journey Home

Mom made her journey home to the ancestors in September.

I’ll never forget that moment. I’ll never forget that smile, and I’ll never forget her love.  

It happened early one Monday morning…   I went to check on Mom before my morning walk; she wasn’t breathing.   Her face was still warm, but she was was among the ancestors.  

I’m in a good place.   Because Mom is at peace, I’m at peace. Because Mom is free, I’m free.  

Mom was a mentor and mother to many. Children were her first love. She worked as an early education teacher for many years.   Once a teacher, always a teacher.  

Even after she left earth, Mom has been busy teaching me profound things: lessons about patience, faith, vision, love.   I witnessed miracles after Mom passed, blessings beyond imagination.   Can’t tell you about the miracles right now, but what I can tell you with full confidence is this:  

  1. Your ancestors have a vision for your life; trust it and trust them.
  2. Your ancestors have the resources you need and will assist you.
  3. Even when things don’t seem to be going your way, keep the faith.
  4. There is nothing to fear; you’re being guided and will be taken care of.

I bet you’re probably wondering why things have been so difficult for you if your ancestors and spirit guides really have your back?  That’s a good question. The answer, from my experience, is that we all need to be tested in order to grow spiritually. Bob Marley said “the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.”  

Believe you’re on your way to living your best life. Dig deep; take action; have confidence.   I’m happy Mom will be guiding me as an ancestor. Trust and believe powerful ancestors are guiding you too.   Expect good things…   Have to run, but I would love to hear from you. If you write, I’ll respond as soon as I can.   Still available for spiritual readings if you need one, so let me know.   All my love.  


In The Eye of The Storm

On St. Croix, we missed the wrath of Hurricane Dorian.  

As you know, our brothers and sisters in The Bahamas were not as lucky.   Hurricane Dorian showed them no mercy at all.  

A friend of mine lost a cousin in Hurricane Dorian. She drowned – she was only 24.  

“What we have seen in the past few days has been sublime in its horror,” says Erica Moiah James in an article for the New York Times   “We need everyone’s help and kindness,” writes Erica. “We need tarps, tents, sleeping bags, batteries, flashlights, heavy equipment, generators, chain saws, electrical workers, and people capable of rebuilding communication towers and homes. We need nonperishable food, wipes, adult and children’s diapers, bug spray.”  

Here’s a link to organizations that are coordinating hurricane relief efforts.

Although Dorian spared my island, I’ll never forget how lonely I felt as the skies darkened. Dorian was only a storm when it passed over us. I was home alone with my sick Mom.   As light rain fell, I wondered what I would do if strong winds ripped the roof off my house and exposed me and Mom to the elements.

 Climate change is no stranger to my people. We are on the front lines.    Dorian, Maria, Irma, Hugo – the names of monster hurricanes linger in our memories long after the storms and camera crews have gone. We think about what life was like before and after each storm.  

I dedicated a chapter to climate change in my book, Meditations Across The River because I felt I had no choice. The reality of climate change is staring my people in the face.   While working on my book, Hurricanes Irma and Maria demolished the Virgin Islands and other island nations. We have not fully recovered. There’s still so much work ahead of us.  

Climate change is one of the great issues of our generation. It’s an urgent human and civil rights issue. We cannot ignore it and we cannot be silent. 

 We can all help in some way.   Even before Dorian formed in the Atlantic, my friend Maria, a local activist on St. Croix was challenging folks to commit to planting at least ten trees. She’s ambitious. Not sure I’ll plant ten trees this year, but I’ll do my best to plant at least five.  

There are dozens of ways to make a difference and I shared a few of them in my book. These are challenging times. Take care of yourself emotionally, spiritually and physically.   Ask for help if you need it. Offer help when you can. We are not meant to fight this battle alone.   Have to run, but I would love to hear from you. If you write, I’ll respond as soon as I can.

Still available for spiritual readings if you need one.

All my love.  


Spirit Will Help You

I’m in the Virgin Islands.

I came to help support my Mom.

As you know, taking care of the elderly is no easy task, and it’s expensive. I have tough decisions to make.

Anyway, before I came, my good friend from Nigeria reminded me that Spirit will help me as I work though the challenges of supporting Mom.

It was comforting to hear him say that…

And so I wanted to pass those words on to you…

I don’t know what you’re facing these days, but I know how life is.

And life has consistently shown me that there’s always a challenge, or tough test waiting for us around the corner. Sometimes you see it coming but many times you don’t.

When challenges come from all directions, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, or like there’s no way out.

Fortunately, that’s when Spirit steps in to help us out. You might feel alone, but the key is to remember you’re not alone.

Yes, my friend, your prayers are being heard in the Other World.

Each challenge is an an opportunity to grow and to consider options we might not have discovered on our own.

As you call on your ancestors or spirit guides for support, be sure to do your part by staying positive and active physically, mentally and spiritually.

On St. Croix, I’ve been walking and going to the beach every day. It helps me to look at task ahead of me and Mom in a different ways. Uplifting ways.

If you’ve been feeling supported by Spirit lately, I would love to hear about it. If you haven’t been feeling supported, I would love to hear from you too. So, reply to this blog, and I’ll respond as soon as I can.

All my love, James.

Your Harvest Will Come

I know it’s been a while…

But I’m back, and I hope you’ve been well…

Anyways, on a recent trip to perform a spiritual ceremony in Hawaii, my friend Nicole said something I want to share with you.

She learned it from one of her mentors. It’s about planting and harvesting. You don’t always harvest in the same season you plant. The harvest might come much, much later.

I love this reminder….

Too often we’re impatient. I wrote about impatience in my book, Meditations Across The King’s River.

About how our society conditions us to think every dream, every vision, and every thing we plant should come to fruition right away. Then, of course, we get mad when it doesn’t or assume that something must be wrong.

Well, it just isn’t so…
Your harvest will come. If you keep planting consistently; if you decide your dream is more powerful than any obstacle you might face.
Here’s how I keep myself grounded as I continue to plant the seeds of my projects around the world.

  1. By taking time out for daily spiritual practice.
  2. By taking time out for daily exercise.
  3. By staying connected to people who inspire me.
  4. By continuing to learn from my many mentors.

I would love to know what you’re planting these days. If you reply to this blog,

I’ll respond as quickly as I can.

Until then, all my love.

James Weeks
P.S. If you would like a signed copy of my book, email me at james@acrossthekingsriver.com, and let me know if you prefer to purchase a softcover cover or a hard cover.
James Weeks Meditations Across The King’s River