Everyone Is Not a Gem

I heard from a client two days ago.

He’s been feeling overwhelmed even though he’s been praying and working on his spiritual practice.

“I feel unsure of what to do next with my life,” he said.

I feel his pain. What do you want the next step of your life to look like?” I asked.

“I would like my next step to be about deepening relationships and creating a sustainable family,” he said.

I hear this often from my clients. The search for deep relationships is universal.

But why is it so difficult to find and maintain relationships?

Would love to hear your thoughts.

Are you in a happy relationship?

I’ve been thinking about relationships a lot lately.

That’s why I added a section on soulmates and relationships in the 2nd edition of my book, Meditations Across the King’s River. Meditations Across the King’s River.

I don’t think relationships should be forced or rushed.

And let’s face it — everyone IS NOT a gem.

Gems are precious because they are rare and difficult to find. A gem will change your life.

If you haven’t experienced a relationship that you think is a gem, it doesn’t mean it will never happen for you. Sometimes it’s not the right season.

And sometimes we have to work on our own healing before we can enter a sustainable relationship.

I told my client to be patient, and to focus on other things in the meantime: like his spiritual and emotional health and whatever he feels passionate about.

This is all for now. Feel free to respond and I will write you back as soon as I can.


Just Take The Next Step

Bermuda was amazing…

And life changing. I went to Bermuda to promote my book, Meditations Across the King’s River and to do readings for clients.

I had so many sacred encounters. I’m still reflecting on the lessons I’ve learned, the love I felt, and the wisdom I shared.

Don’t get me wrong…

It wasn’t a vacation by any means.

In fact, I worked almost every day during my month-long stay on the island.

But I definitely left Bermuda feeling more inspired about my calling as a writer and healer.

I have more faith there’s is a Higher Power and a divine plan for our lives.

We can all tap into this Higher Power; We can all have more impact.

After Bermuda, I’m even more devoted to following inspiration and my calling.

I wish you could feel what I feel inside.

More joy! More gratitude! More clarity! I pray you experience these gifts too.

This photo with my friend, Alexa, was taken at John’s Smith Bay Beach, early one morning.

We didn’t swim. The water is too cold for swimming this time of year, she explained.

So we just walked and talked for a bit.

Alexa is a brilliant mind, a beautiful soul, and a great friend.

I love how she navigates through life. She’s not afraid to take chances. She speaks her mind.

She knows what she wants. She’s going after it.

Take a tip from Alexa.

You don’t have to be afraid to take chances either. This is your season. You deserve more!

Stop waiting for the perfect time. Stop waiting for another sign. You saw the sign already.

Go where you feel led. Just take the next step. Let the ancestors do the rest.

Another chapter is waiting for you. A universe beyond this universe.

It’s time for you to explore it.

If you don’t have the second edition of my book, Meditations Across the King’s River, we would love your support.

It’s a powerful collection of affirmations, insights and African-inspired wisdom.

MATKR was the number one new release on Amazon in two categories when it launched in January.

It has been featured in more than two hundred media outlets including Business Insider and Asia One, a leading media provider in Singapore.

You can order my best-selling book here: Meditations Across the King’s River

Everything Isn’t A Sign

Everything that happens to us or around us isn’t a sign.

Something might not be going your way right now, but is that a sign you’re on the wrong path?

Many spiritual advisors will say YES.

And that’s where I disagree. It might not be a sign at all.

If anything, maybe it’s a sign you shouldn’t give up and you need to keep going.

Maybe it’s a sign you need to dig deeper into your soul and remember why you got started in the first place.

This is how I see it.

Not too long ago I was invited to be a guest on a podcast. It never happened because I had problems twice when I tried to connect with the host for the live event.

He took it as a SIGN the interview isn’t meant to happen right now. He has not made plans to reschedule. Almost two months have passed.


I was disappointed. I was looking forward to sharing my insights with his audience.

So many of us give up too easily.

I often hear things like: “If I was meant to have a business, I wouldn’t be struggling so much.”

OR, “If I was really meant to be in a relationship, why am I not in relationship? OR, why do I find relationships so challenging, if I am meant to be in a relationship?”

OR, “If I’m really following my purpose, why is it so difficult?”

I don’t know what you’re going through right now.

But I do know now is not the time to abandon your dreams. I also know adversity can help us evolve spiritually even things are difficult.

I’m with you in Spirit. It’s not too late for you to find more success, or more love, or better health, or stronger finances in 2024.

Have faith things can improve, then do everything in your power to move your life forward.

Respond to this newsletter, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Until then, may the Spirits of the ancestors, guide, bless, and protect you always.

All my love.


P.S. The second edition of my best-selling book, Meditations Across the King’s River, is available at the links below:

Amazon Meditations Across the King’s River: Meditations Across the King’s River

P.S.S. Here’s the link to schedule a spiritual reading: Spiritual Reading: Spiritual Reading