by James Weeks | Feb 25, 2025 | Spirituality and Inspiration
Not long ago, my friend, Chechi, sent me this gorgeous photo.
Chechi is one of the filmmakers working with me on my documentary film project, Across the King’s River.
She’s also a gifted photographer.
This photo was taken in Benin during the Vodun Festival in January.
These women are honoring Mami Wata —a powerful deity of water, transformation, and abundance. She is revered in several African traditions and in the diaspora.

Like many African spiritual traditions, Vodun has been demonized.
Despite centuries of misinformation, Vodun remains a powerful spiritual system of wisdom, healing, and liberation.
Our sacred traditions teach us to honor our ancestors, to walk in balance, to trust in the wisdom of nature.
This photo reminds me our work is not over – we must continue to tell our stories and share our history – especially in this season of DEI roll backs and openly racist agendas.
Forces of oppression are hard at work—erasing our history from schools, banning discussions of race and identity, portraying our traditions as dark and dangerous.
They tried to erase us. They failed.
They tried to silence us. They failed.
They tried to strip us of our power. They failed.
We are still here. Our stories will still be told.
That’s why I keep telling these stories—through my book, my ongoing film project, through conversations.
🔹 What stories will you tell, Akosua Yabsira?
🔹 How will you honor your lineage?
🔹 What wisdom will you pass on?
In a world that wants us to forget, remembering is an act of resistance. Your story is necessary. And the world needs your truth.
The next generation is calling your name. You must answer!
by James Weeks | Jan 20, 2025 | Spirituality and Inspiration
My Dad was an advisor and Mom was a teacher.
In many ways I’m just like them. I teach and advise others.
How well do you know your parents? Your ancestors? How are they influencing you?
I learned something new about Dad recently. I was looking through a folder and found more information about his life and military career.
This photograph was taken while Dad was in the U.S Army. He spent 20 years in the military then we moved home to St. Croix, Virgin Islands.

Here’s what I didn’t know. The Army wanted to promote Dad to the rank of Captain.
Dad said NO to that offer.
Then they offered to promote Dad to the rank of Major, and he said NO to that as well.
I don’t know all the reasons why Dad didn’t want to serve as an officer in the military, but one thing was crystal clear. He didn’t need a title to define him. He was always “in charge,” leading in his own way.
Dad encouraged me to be a leader too.
Here’s a challenge for you in 2025. Why not embrace the best qualities of your ancestors and be a leader wherever you go?
But let me remind you: leadership comes at a cost.
Not everyone will like you. Be okay with that.
Not everyone will understand you. Be okay with that.
Not everyone will appreciate you. Be okay with that.
In spite of this, choose to be your best in 2025.Tap into the divine energy of your ancestors—their perseverance, their vision, their leadership.
Something extraordinary is waiting for you.
by James Weeks | Jan 2, 2025 | Spirituality and Inspiration
Happy New Year
How was your first day of 2025? What did you do? Who did you spend it with?
And what are your goals for the new year? I spent the day at home with my family.
I’m excited about the new year. I’ll be working on my documentary film in 2025, and I’ll also be leading small groups to sacred sites of Nigeria and Benin. (If you’re interested in coming let me know).
Be focused as you move forward in 2025. Be determined. Be dedicated.
I also think it’s important to have a mentor in the area you wish to grow in. A mentor’s job is not only to guide, but to push you out of your comfort zone.
I have spiritual mentors, financial mentors, and business mentors.
This photograph was taken during my travels in Nigeria last month. This man is a mentor to many. He’s a babalawo, or traditional priest in the Ifa spiritual tradition of the Yoruba people.
Like many of the elders I met, he’s been practicing his craft since childhood, and he’s still fully committed.

One of his gifts is teaching the art of divination. During one of his sessions, he was trying to help a student understand how everything in the universe and in divination ebbs and flows. It always has and always will.
“Life zigzags,” he said over and over again. You need to remember this as you move forward in 2025. “Life will zigzag.”
Don’t begin 2025 thinking everything should magically go your way. It won’t.
Life will zigzag, but it can be fun. This is where the growth happens. Maybe your ancestors have a better plan.
Get a mentor. Stay focused. Stay in the game.
Let’s see what 2025 has in store for us. I will be here to support you.
Love James
by James Weeks | Dec 24, 2024 | Spirituality and Inspiration
Just wanted to send a quick note to say I’m grateful for you and look forward to sharing more inspiration with you in 2025.
Do you celebrate the holidays? If so, how? I’ll be spending time at home with my family. I’m sending you good energy.
I just returned from Nigeria, West Africa. I’ve been to Nigeria four times, but my most recent trip was the one I enjoyed the most.
In 2025, I will be leading small groups to the sacred sites of Nigeria, and possibly Benin too. If this is something you are interested in, please let me know.

This pic was taken at Abeokuta, Nigeria, West Africa.
In the Yoruba language, Abeokuta means “under the rock.”
I’m standing near the bottom of an important historical site, sacred to the Yoruba people.
The sacred site, Olumo Rock, is a huge, boulder formation that protected our ancestors during ancient wars.
I hope to you get to experience it one day.
I travelled to Nigeria to help one of my clients. But I was also scouting locations for my documentary film project, Across the King’s River.
My trip to Nigeria changed me so much. I’m not the same person. The person who returned is not the person who went.
I believe another chapter of your life is awaits you, and that your ancestors have a plan to help you fulfill your purpose.
Don’t let past experiences stop you from opening your heart, taking risks, and living again.
I look forward to hearing from you. Happy Holidays once again.
Love James
by James Weeks | Jul 21, 2024 | Spirituality and Inspiration
A client reached out to me recently.
I was happy to hear from him. It was the first time we had spoken in many years.
There’s a new development in his life.
He’s a father again. His daughter is almost two.

Here’s what amazed me about our conversation.
He reminded me I said he would have a daughter 12 years ago when I did a spiritual reading for him.
It blew me away. I had totally forgotten about it.
I’ve done more than one thousand spiritual readings so far and there’s no way I can remember all of them.
Here’s why I’m sharing this message.
What you want to achieve may take time.
And what I want to achieve will take time too. We’re all in this together.
And just because what you want might not happen now, it doesn’t mean it never will.
Stay focused. Keep planting seeds. Keep watering them.
Our society encourages us to think every goal we desire must happen right away.
If we start a business, we think money should start rolling in right away.
If we want to be in a relationship, we think we must find our soulmate right away.
We even rush when it comes to our spiritual journey.
I call it drive-through spirituality. And it’s complete nonsense.
Here’s the thing, we can order a drive-through burger and fries.
But we can’t expect drive-through wisdom, drive-through wealth, or drive-through relationships.
But your journey can be meaningful. Even when things don’t go our way.
2024 has been a challenging for so many. And life can bring one challenge after another. Or all at once.
I’m here to support you.
Respond to this message and I will write you back as soon as possible.
James Weeks
by James Weeks | Jun 11, 2024 | Best Selling Book: Meditations Across the King's River, Spirituality and Inspiration
On my way to New York to do a book signing and talk this Saturday, June 15th at the 256 Healing Center in Brooklyn.
If you happen to be in NYC, I would love to see you.
I’ll be sharing insights from my bestselling book, Meditations Across the King’s River.
And I’ll also be sharing tips for emotional, spiritual and financial wellness.

I didn’t just write a book.
I actively study and practice the things I wrote about. What I’ve learned is powerful.
It has changed my life…
Most people only know me as a spiritual advisor.
But I’m also a finance professional.
I’m a bookkeeper and I run my own accounting firm, and I’m also a forex trader and investor.
When I talk about finance, I’m not just talking. I know what I’m talking about.
You don’t have to struggle financially forever. But you must get educated, and you must take action.
You deserve a better life.
And you don’t have to struggle spiritually or emotionally forever. Your ancestors will help but get professional help too.
Hope to see you in NYC. I will be bringing some FIRE.
The second edition of Meditations Across the King’s River can be ordered here:Meditations Across the King’s River
Love James