Change And Transformation

Here’s the deal…me

The very thing that will take you to your next level of spiritual growth, or business growth or intellectual growth is not going to feel comfortable.

But you have to push on anyway.

Do the thing that you’ve been resisting. And once you do it, do it again and again until it becomes a way of life.

But that’s only if you want to move your life forward and I’m assuming you do.

Sign up for my free, inspirational, monthly newsletter and I’ll share the secrets that I’m learning along the way.

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The journey of this film teaches me this lesson over and over again. I’ll never forget the day my elders told me that it was time to leave my corporate job and dedicate myself 100% to this film project.

Had I known all the difficulties I would face I might have said NO! The reality is that:

1. I no longer have the big 401K retirement account I once had.
2. I don’t have health insurance.
3. I can’t predict how money I will earn each month from my Ifa consultation business.
4. And no one can predict how well my film will do once it’s complete and out on the market.

But here’s what I CAN tell you…

1. I’m happier!
2. I’m wiser!
3. I feel more empowered.
4. I have more control over my destiny.
5. Every day someone writes to tell me what a difference I’m making in their life and that sure as hell didn’t happen in my corporate job.

My advice to you? Take the risk. Follow that dream. In the end you’ll be happy you did!

The Elders from james Weeks on Vimeo.


James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River

Are You Taking Your Medicine?

Are you taking your medicine? 1533771_10151810935708414_539433341_n

No! Not Western medicine! African ritual medicine!

As a professional Ifa diviner based in Oakland, California, I sometimes struggle when it comes time to explain the importance of ritual (ebo) to both new and old clients.

Luckily, my Yoruba friend, Olushola, recently helped me out.

“Just tell them that it’s like going to the doctor and getting medicine,” he said.

I love that analogy because it’s simple…

But in reality it’s way more complex than that, as anyone in the orisa community will tell you.

For starters, in most cases you’re not actually ingesting ritual medicine. Secondly, in many African traditions, you don’t have to be physically present when ritual work is being done.

In the Yoruba tradition, you’ll know if you need “ebo” because it will be revealed during a divination session with a trained Ifa priest/diviner.

Besides health issues, here are other common reasons for why ritual might be needed:

1. Help with financial issues.
2. Help with relationship issues.
3. Ward off spiritual attacks from enemies.
4. For optimum emotional and physical health.
5. To fight witchcraft or sorcery.

Are you in need of some kind of ritual medicine now?

Based on what I know about life and the work that I do with my elders, I have to say yes.


Because 1. There are things that are going on in your life right now that you are not aware of but should be addressed spiritually. 2. Because it’s a mistake to assume that things are well just because all seems well now. 3. Because ritual can give you the spiritual and competitive advantage you need to move forward in life.

In some cases, ritual (ebo) is a matter of life vs death…

Don’t assume that tomorrow will be like today! It’s important to pay attention to things that you cannot see and address them spiritually, if necessary.

I shudder to think what my life would look like without the help of my elders and all the powerful rituals that have been done on behalf of my family over the years.

I know one thing! It wouldn’t look pretty!

In Nigeria, ritual work can go on for days or even weeks. The elders I work closely with in Ile Ife, Nigeria spend an average of 2 to 3 weeks working on a ritual. It’s a team effort. As many as 5-7 Ifa priests might work together just to complete one ritual for a client. And they might spend 4 to 5 hours a day working on the ritual.

“Ise t’o l’agbara,” (it’s hard work, they say)

How long does it take to see results or changes? It varies. Sometimes you’ll notice the effects right away, but in other cases it can take weeks, or even months, so it’s hella important to be patient.

Also, some situations might call for more than one ritual treatment, (just like a medical patient might need to have more than one surgery or might require ongoing physical or emotional therapy over a period of time.)

What experiences have you had with indigenous rituals or African rituals? I would love to hear about them so be sure to leave a comment.

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James Weeks/Producer, Across The King’s River

Communicating With Ancestors

3710_10151068132983414_491024660_nHere’s the link for the most recent King’s River newsletter! Enjoy!! Click Here

I would love to hear your comments!

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James Weeks

Producer/Across The King’s River

Go With The Flow

Just go with the flow…Flow

The flow is the first thing that comes to your mind. The first impressions. The first feelings.

This is how the spiritual masters roll…

And you can roll like this too…

See, that initial gut feeling about something or someone is often correct, even if you don’t know why. It’s the voice of Spirit speaking to you, the wisdom of the ancestors guiding you, the power of intuition trying to protect you.

Reflect on the past two years of your life. Think of the costly mistakes that could have been avoided if you had only listened to your gut.

How much did these mistakes cost you?

1. How much did it cost you financially? More than $1,000? $2,000, $3,000?
2. How much did it cost you emotionally? Can you even put a dollar figure on it?
3. How much time did it cost? Did you waste a few days? A few months? A few years?

As I reflect on my own journey of the past two years I’ve wasted both time and money dealing with folks that I thought could advance my film project. They couldn’t deliver anything they promised.

And I remember all the “red flags” that I saw…

How much time did I waste? A lot. How much money did I waste? A lot.

These days, as I professional Ifa diviner, when I sit with clients who come for Ifa divination, I often remind them of the power of their own intuition and to trust their first impressions.

See…your Spirit can size up people and situations in a nano-second. Your brain, however, often second-guesses your intuition and wants a logical explanation for why you feel the way that you do.

Well, by the time you get the evidence that Spirit tried to warn you about it’s often too late…

1. You ended up in the wrong relationship.
2. Got hooked up with the wrong business partners.
3. You’re further off course than you’ve ever been before.

You can’t always make up for lost time, lost money, or hurt feelings. But you can do this:

Listen to your gut the next time you meet a “wonderful person” or encounter a “great opportunity.”

You will be better off for it.

As always, I welcome your comments and would love to hear your thoughts about this. Leave a comment!

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James Weeks

Producer/Across The King’s River