Ebb and Flow

Ebb and Flow is a short dance clip that features Tulani, my daughter, dancing on a beach in Southern California. You’ll get a chance to meet her in my upcoming film, but for now you can view Ebb and Flow here…

This clip is part of a series called Dances Made to Order, an on-line dance festival produced by Kingsley Iron. The music in Ebb and Flow was edited by Derick Silva.

On a philosophical level, the title as well as the dance, Ebb and Flow, makes me reflect on life as well as Ifa divination and the 256 sacred odus in our tradition that indicate there is an order and pattern behind all things in the universe. Everything ebbs and flows.

What are the sacred odus? The odus are divine forces which are applicable to every event in the past, present and the future. Like the universe, each odu consists of a pair of opposites, the finite and infinite, the male and the female, active and inactive, odd and even, hot and cold, good and evil, positive and negative.

Ifa, the ancient wisdom, is all about balance. Many of our problems arise because we are off balance and because we fail to understand that everything ebbs and flows. And each moment has a different message and lesson for us.

Instead of trying to force things to go your way, the challenge before us is to try to adapt our lives to this great cosmic rhythm and dance. Slow down, allow the meditation of this video to flow with you and through you. Blessings!!

Remembering Baba Afolabi Epega

I still hear the voice, the laughter and the wisdom. I have no doubt that the spirit of Dr. Afolabi Epega is with me as I sit with clients to practice the ancient art of Ifa divination.

What is he saying to me? “The answer is not in the book, the answer is on the divination table. Speak the truth and let the client deal with the truth. Divination is not about what you remember; it’s about what you see as you cast the opele (divination chain). You can’t know everything about Ifa – no one does. But as long as you divine correctly, you will have an insight,” he tells me.

I also sense Epega’s is with me as I work on the vision for this film. What is he telling me?: “Just listen to the voices of the ancestors and allow us to work through you. As long as you follow our voice you can’t go wrong. Submit completely to the vision and don’t look behind you. Failure is not an option. Maintain the faith at all times. Keep moving forward because Across The King’s River film will rekindle the spirit of the masses,” says Dr. Epega from the Spirit World.

Dr. Epega passed over in 2006. A few days after his passing, I felt moved to write a tribute to him. You can read A Tribute to Afolabi Epega at this link:

Baba Epega, as he was affectionately called, was an accomplished scientist with an honors degree in organic chemistry and a 5th generation Ifa priest, or babalawo, who penned Ifa: The Ancient Wisdom, Obi: The Mystical Oracle and co-authored The Sacred Ifa Oracle. His mission in life was to show the connection between science and spirituality. The idea of showing the link between African spirituality and science in my film is inspired by the mission of Baba Epega and one of his students, Christopher Brown, a brilliant mathematician and Ifa priest.

Although I loved Baba Epega, I didn’t have a full appreciation for his wisdom until recently. Being a scientist, he challenged us to be innovative. Respect the tradition – but don’t allow it to stifle your growth. True spirituality is not about stagnation – it’s about the constant quest for growth. Find what works for you, then have the courage to embrace it even if it flies in the face of convention.

As I point out in my article, A Tribute to Dr. Epega, I didn’t accept his views on gays relationships and I found him to be sexist at times. Still, I am grateful for his significant contributions to Ifa. As I move forward on my journey, I do so with the full confidence that the old master is standing right behind me, guiding each step, ensuring that the sacred traditions of our ancestors will guide and nourish the next generation.

Blessing of Wealth

The Yoruba spiritual calendar year begins the first week of June at the Agbonnerigun, or Ifa festival which is held each year in the sacred city of Ile Ife. All the Orisas are invoked and prayers are said for the entire world. Offerings are also made to the Orisas.

The blessing of wealth/money is the prediction for the year, which came down in the Odu, Ogbe Ogunda. Along with the blessing of wealth, the elders wish you the blessing of wisdom to move your life, relationships, your community and your dreams forward in a positive way. Ire O!

The Ifa temple is located on top of the Itase mountain. I’ve never been inside the sacred temple, nor have I ever had the opportunity to attend the yearly Ifa festival. But attending this yearly celebration is definitely on my growing “things to do” list.

When I reflect on the Ifa festival, I reflect on a comment made by Yoruba scholar Wande Abimbola, in his book, “Ifa Will Mend Our Broken World.” Abimbola says “There isn’t a single holiday to celebrate any traditional event in Africa. Not one! They have holidays to celebrate many Muslim and Christian events in Africa, but not one day is left for traditional people.”

As the sacred and philosophical teachings of Ifa continue to spread worldwide, we pray that our own people will make peace with our spiritual traditions and see the value of transmitting them on to the next generation. Ire o!

The Quest For Iwa Pele

“The yes man is your enemy, but your friend will argue with you.” So says a Russian proverb. I reflect on this proverb today as I think of our obligation to be truthful to ourselves and to those that we love. Yesterday, I had to remind a friend that his behavior and explosive temper is holding him back from achieving his full potential. His main enemy, despite what he wishes to believes, isn’t outside, it’s deep within. Until he changes his behavior and the way that he thinks, he’ll never attain his goals. Nor will he ever be happy.

I also reflect on this Russian proverb as I think of sad stories that I’ve recently heard of priests and priestesses in the Ifa/orisa tradition who cause more harm than good. Why? Because some of them are deeply troubled individuals who clearly are in need of psychological (and perhaps spiritual) counseling. Instead, they dole out “advice” and wreak havoc on others with conduct so outlandish that it truly amazes me how they could ever call themselves priests or priestesses.

Rather than condone bad character, we should confront it. There can be no growth without truth.
Wisdom has never been and will never be merely about what you know – it’s about how you live. The foundation of Ifa/orisa practice is supposed to be humility and iwa pele (gentle character). May we all never forget this.

Across The King’s River Producer Speaks At Harvard

Film producer, James Weeks, says he’s guided by three things: the power of visions, the power of stories and the wisdom of the heart.

And once you allow yourself to be guided by these three principles, you can’t go wrong, he insists.

That’s how Weeks began a recent speech at Harvard University. The charismatic, Oakland-based producer was on campus to discuss the core themes of his upcoming documentary film, Across The King’s River, which goes into production in the summer of 2012.

Directed by Emmy-award filmmaker, Stanley Nelson, Across The King’s River explores the sacred and healing traditions of Africa while following Weeks and his daughter on their quest for transformation in the Motherland.

“It’s essentially a film about finding and fulfilling your life’s purpose, but we also hope to inspire others to follow their visions,” Weeks explains.

Why does he always emphasize visions, stories and the heart?

“It’s simple,” he says. “If you’re not clear about your vision, you’ll be tempted to stop when you should move forward. Stories are important. The story of who you are and where you’ve been can bring healing to others. The heart is a seat of high wisdom and you must learn to trust it. The heart always knows, but the head always doubts,” Weeks says.

Across The King’s River gives viewers a rare glimpse of three African cultures: the Yoruba of Southwest Nigeria, the Lebu people of Senegal, and the Dagara of Burkina Faso. The film also explores the connection between African spiritual traditions and modern science.

Donna Christensen, Virgin Islands Delegate to Congress, strongly supports the upcoming film. “As a doctor and as a student of history, I am interested in learning about any new perspectives that this documentary will share with the world. It is an important link to how humans have dealt with health and healing throughout the centuries. It can only add to what the scientific and historical community knows about the experiences of people on this planet.”

Charles Finch, M.D. former Director of International Health at Morehouse College, says, A documentary detailing the ideas, philosophies, and healing approaches of a group of Yoruba sages – with a special focus on Ifa – is timely and germane to the challenges facing the 21st century.”

Divination: Communicating With Divine Energies

In this delightful lecture punctuated with humor, insight and personal anecdotes, Chief Babalawo Oluwole Ifakunle, affectionately known as the “Babalawo of Harlem,” gives an overview of Ifa divination and the role it can play in our lives.

I recently met Baba Ifakunle at a conference at Harvard University entitled “Sacred Healing and Wholeness in Africa and the Americas.” The symposium and the lecture was organized by Funlayo Wood, a doctoral student in African and African-American studies at Harvard.

“We can see into the future if we know how to read signs and symbols. It’s about the synchronicity of life,” says Baba Ifakunle, a professional diviner who was initiated into Obatala and Ifa more than 20 years ago. “Divination is an attempt to see beyond our five senses and to understand the root causes and solutions to issues that we might be facing.”

“Ifa is about balance,” he adds. “The work that I’ve done has been rewarding to me. It has been life – changing to me and to others.”

I was struck by Baba Ifakunle’s warmth and sincerity when I met him. It was refreshing to meet another Awo who is passionate about his craft and the clients he serves. In the lecture below, Baba Ifakunle talks briefly about his childhood, and how he was visited by Spirits at an early age.

He also discusses Obi divination, the importance of “iwa” (character) and how ancestral energies and problems are sometimes transmitted from one generation to the next. And he spoke of how “diviners are born – not made”. Baba Ifakunle insists that one of the ultimate goals of a diviner is transcendence, becoming one with the universal energies.

As a student diviner, I was inspired as he recounted how Ifa divination helped him cure one client of cancer. And I laughed when I heard the story about the African who could have won the New York lottery but unfortunately did not. Oh well!

Anyway, here’s the link to Baba Ifakunle’s Harvard lecture:

For more information about Baba Ifakunle, or if you’re interested in readings, orisa-inspired products, or to book one of his dynamic lectures, you can visit him at Baba Ifakunle’s website
