“Eniti ti ko tele eera, ko ni tele Ifa” means “one who cannot follow ants, cannot follow Ifa.” I’ve always loved this Yoruba proverb. On one hand it shows the reverence for nature that’s embedded in the sacred teachings of Ifa.

On the other hand the proverb illustrates the importance of patience – another core tenet of Ifa. “Suuru is the father (and mother) of character,” we say.

Unfortunately, for many, our fast-paced, crazed lifestyle allows no time to reflect on the powerful lessons nature has for us. Nor have most of us cultivated the stillness of mind that’s needed to hear our own voice, let alone the voice of the orisas and the ancestors.

Can you follow ants?

The journey to this film has taught me to slow down. For years we have worked diligently at what seems to be the pace of ants. And yes, many times I’ve wished that the process would move along faster.

But I have learned that things develop when the time is right. I’ve learned to savor the process; I’ve also learned to trust the elders and the guidance that comes from Ifa.

Slow down! Trust the wisdom and the leadership of ants!