Your Ancestors Have Messages For You

I was a guest on Remembering Our Way Home recently... It's a new podcast series hosted by Nadirah Goldsmith, and you can check out our conversation here: Podcast Interview Nadirah kicked off the interview by asking about my first profound experience with an ancestor. I'll never forget the year nor the moment. ...It happened in San Francisco in...

How To Get Unstuck

I had a conversation with a client who is also a friend about two weeks ago. He no longer feels passionate about the things he once felt strongly about -- at least, not at this very moment. As you might imagine, he's sort of at the crossroads, trying to decide what his next step should be. He's questioning his purpose, and it's stirring up more...

You Can’t Say Yes To The World

You Can’t Say Yes To The World

You can't say yes to the world... That's what my friend Michelle said to me recently. I grabbed a pencil and took notes as she explained why. Turns out, Michelle had a close brush with death recently. That's right -- she was diagnosed with COVID-19. She found herself in a hospital bed in Milwaukee, sicker than ever before. Her heart was racing,...

Are Your Ready For Abundance?

Are Your Ready For Abundance?

Are you open to abundance in all areas of your life? Most people say yes, and that's great. But here's what I've learned, saying yes is not enough. First, it's important to have a clear vision of what abundance means to you. Then, commit to making it happen, no matter how long it takes. Without a commitment, it's difficult to manifest any vision....

New Trailer Coming Soon

New Trailer Coming Soon

What's Happening Family? We are currently in the production studios working on the latest trailer for my documentary film project, Across The King's River. We hope to have it ready to show you in a few weeks or so. Across The King's River is a film about finding and fulfilling your life's purpose. My film will take viewers to Southwest Nigeria,...

You Can’t Wait Forever

Greetings , In March, my friend, Funlayo, will be traveling to Zimbabwe for one week. It will be her first visit to the African continent, and I'm so happy for her. Funlayo will be staying in a fishing village near the beach, and she'll have an opportunity to dance, eat great food, and immerse herself in the culture. I wish I were going. I know...

In Spirit And Struggle

I'm so proud of the work that Jeanette Charles of Iya Global is doing. She recently launched, In Spirit and Struggle, a collective coaching program to empower others, and she asked me to be the first speaker to kick off her ambitious, eight-week offering that began two weeks ago. We did a short interview two weeks before the program started so...

Every Storm Runs Out of Rain

Every Storm Runs Out of Rain

Every storm runs out of rain.... ...That's what Kurt said last night. He's one of my mentors. Kurt happens to be an expert in cryptocurrency, and since I mentor others in trading and investing, I pay close attention to what he says. But you don't have to be into the world of trading to apply what Kurt is saying to your life. It's spiritual and...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

I hope 2021 got off to a great start for you. I spent the first day of the day year visiting my sister, Joan. She makes a delicious gumbo. Anyway, as we sat around listening to music and talking, I flipped through an old family album she has and found a baby picture of myself when I was two years old. Who knows what my parents were thinking when...

You Can’t Miss Your Road

You Can’t Miss Your Road

You can't miss your road, my friend. ...That's what I've come to realize. Your road is your purpose or the spiritual messages your ancestors are sending to you. I'm telling you this because as I work with clients, many are not sure if they're receiving spiritual messages on their own. Yes, it can be challenging, but here's the thing you ARE...