Why You Must Face Your Fears

Why You Must Face Your Fears

My book, Meditations Across The King's River, was featured in the international media recently. Not only was it featured in the Associated Press and on ABC and NBC affiliates, it was also featured in news outlets in Asia. https://acrossthekingsriver.com/media-links/​ When this happened, I closed my eyes and mentally traveled all the way back to...

Meditations Hits International Media

Meditations Hits International Media

My book, Meditations Across The King's River, was recently featured in national and international media including the Associated Press, ABC and NBC affiliates, and even news outlets in Asia....

Tips For Overcoming Adversity

Greetings Family I shared five important steps for overcoming adversity on FB live today. 1. Shift the way you look at your problems. 2. Understand what you can and cannot control. 3. Get a mentor who can share different perspectives for dealing with your challenges. 4. Take a step back and step into your power with daily spiritual practice. 5....

Stay Focused and Keep Going

I hope 2022 is off to a great year for you and your family. Sending you good energy and hoping that 2022 brings you closer to your dreams and visions. I was blessed to be a guest on Ancestral Voices last week. Ancestral Voices is a UK based husband and wife team (Dalian Adofo and Verona Spence) that have dedicated their lives to dispelling myths...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you and your family. Wishing you the very best in 2022. Thank you for being a part of my spiritual journey and for your support of my work. Hoping this year brings you peace, love, health and financial abundance. Please know that you can count on my support and inspiration. Believe that this is your season. This pic of me and my...

Tips For Connecting With Your Ancestors

I recently shared some tips for connecting with your ancestors via FB live. I did it because my clients often tell me they have difficulty connecting with their loved ones in Spirit. Some of the points I mentioned are as follows: 1. Understand that you're already connected to your ancestors. It's your birthright. 2. Be intentional about...

Remembering Brother Malidoma

Remembering Brother Malidoma

Greetings A few days ago, I received a text message from my friend, Carol. It was short and sad. "Elder Malidoma has transitioned," she said. The newsletter she forwarded from his office provided more details. "Elder Malidoma completed his most recent initiation today. What an inspiration he will always be -- Living His Medicine." Like millions...

My First FB Live Event

Greetings, Recently did a FB Live Event. I will be doing more events to share tips and insights for spiritual, emotional and financial wellness. Be sure to check out the vid below. James Weeks

Be Still, Listen And Know

Don't overthink it. Be still listen and know. That's what my friend, Carol, said to me last week. I met her on my first trip to Bermuda last November, and it was good to finally catch up with her on Whatsapp again. We were talking about the ups and downs of life we all experience, and Carol was saying how easy it is to miss signs and messages...

Official Release Of New Trailer

I've officially launched a new trailer for my film, Across The King's River. I'm happy to say we anticipate my film will be completed in approximately 15 to 18 months. If you like what you see, we would love your support by making a donation/investment of any amount. You can check out the rewards we are offering by clicking here. Across the...