Basic Moves

Basic Moves

The more I travel on this journey as filmmaker and spiritual seeker, the more I firmly believe in the power of simplicity and "basic moves" - simple practices/daily rituals, or attitudes that enhance the probability of our success. I strongly believe that we must uproot negativity wherever we find it - in our hearts, our minds - or from the...

The Journey Ahead

The Journey Ahead

Although it hasn't been confirmed yet, it's highly probable that we'll get funding in the very near future to continue working on Across The King's River. So far the production schedule requires us to spend at least 2 weeks in Nigeria, one week in Senegal, one week in Burkina Faso, one week in the Caribbean and one week in Egypt. Up until this...

An Appeal to the Ancestors

An Appeal to the Ancestors

Last night I found myself praying to the egungun (the ancestors.) For what? For the energy to continue on this path. The truth is - beginning and maintaining a blog has been a struggle so far. Isn't Facebook enough? That's what I ask myself. And what about the past 4-5 years of working toward this film? Isn't that enough? The...

The Altar of My Soul

The Altar of My Soul

"The orishas demonstrate through natural acts that every element carries both positive, ire, and negative, osogobo, forces," says Martha Moreno Vega in her book, The Altar of My Soul: The Living Traditions of Santeria. "Our own lives reflect the need to balance these positive and negative energy fields. If we pollute the ocean, it will cease to...

The Encounter With Destiny

The Encounter With Destiny

If someone told me I would be working on a film several years ago I doubt I would have believed. And when Ifa diviners told me that I will one day I will become a diviner as well, I had a hard time believing that as well. But as my journey continues I've come to the realization that what we think of ourselves has nothing to do with our capability...

The Beauty of Adversity

The Beauty of Adversity

Hard, frustrating- that's how I would describe my last trip to Nigeria in 2008. I went to start laying the foundation for the film, and I didn't have a crew. But I had the support of friends, the elders and the orisas. Why was it hard? It was hard because I didn't have time to shoot all of the footage I wanted. It was difficult...

An Appeal to the Ancestors

“Ajuba Akoda, Ajuba Aseda”

"Ajuba Akoda, Ajuba Aseda" means "we pay homage to Akoda and Aseda." In the Yoruba spiritual tradition, it is believed that Akoda and Aseda were the first disciples of Orunmila, the orisa of wisdom. It is said that Akoda was the first to practice divination. And Aseda taught the elders wisdom. The current Aseda Agbaye (of the world), is the elder...

A Ripple In a Wave

A Ripple In a Wave

If you pursue a vision long enough you'll realize that your vision is not really about you. It's about how you can best serve humanity. Coming to this realization is one of the best things that can happen to us. The worse thing that can happen? Not coming to this realization - never understanding who we are and how we can serve....

Greetings From The Ancestors

Greetings From The Ancestors

"Aboru Aboye" means "may the sacrifice be accepted". That's how we often greet each other in the Yoruba spiritual tradition. As I launch the first blog in support of Across The King's River, I give thanks to the ancestors, the orisas and the elders in Africa who work hard night and day to bring this visionary film to you. I sometimes...