Across The King’s River: A Way of Life
Across the King’s River is an upcoming documentary feature film that follows one man and his daughter on their quest for self-transformation among the great healers of West Africa. Producer, James Weeks, says one of the goals of the film is to inspire others to follow their visions. Weeks had no idea that he would one day embrace African healing...
A Test of Endurance
"A test of endurance." That's how filmmakers Dalian and Verona Adafo describe the journey to their documentary, "Ancestral Voices: Esoteric African Knowledge." Their goal was to clear up some of the popular misconceptions and "negative assumptions" that people have about African spiritual traditions. "It is a topic that a lot of people hardly...

Visionary Film Producer to Speak At Harvard
Imagine getting a team of African healers to spend four years channeling spiritual energy to help you launch a documentary film! That’s what’s happening to film producer, James Weeks. His long anticipated film, Across the King’s River, which explores how African healing traditions intersect with science, goes into production in March 2012. Weeks...
Why African Healing Traditions Can Help Save Your Life…
The report card on African-American health is grim: *African Americans have the highest death rate for cancer than any racial and ethnic group in the US. *The death rate for Black Americans with diabetes is 40% higher than other races and cultures. *Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness among African-American men and women....
How Every Lap Top In The World Began in Africa…
Very few people think of Africa when they turn on their lap-tops. But one leading scientist insists that “every lap-top, every electronic circuit and every personal digital assistant (PDA) began in Africa.” According to mathematician Ron Eglash, not only did the roots of digital computing begin in Africa . . . The roots of the binary code that...
Santeria Meaning – The Truth Revealed
Sentaria Meaning - The term Santeria or La Regla Lucumi, is an Afro-Cuban philosophy that can be traced back to the Yoruba tribe viagra priceof Southwest Nigeria and Benin. During the slave trade, millions of Yorubas were brought to Cuba, Brazil, Haiti, Trinidad, Puerto Rico and other countries. If you were to listen to some historians you might...
Slaying The Dragon
"Men get caught up in the socio-economic nightmare of giving away most of their time in order to survive," says best-selling author and shaman Malidoma Some. "We didn't come into this world to give all our energy to stay alive, we came here to live. The biggest dragon is the one that tells us we have to work eight hours a day, and we end up being...
Back to Our Roots
"We all came from Africa, and we need to go back to our roots," says David Cumes, a South African-born doctor who is on a mission to bridge Western medicine and African healing wisdom. Cumes says Western medicine and African medicine complement each other. I had the good fortune of speaking to this kindred spirit recently. In my upcoming film, he...
A New Beginning
All praise to the ancestors! We expect the film to be fully funded in Jan, 2012. Then another phase of the project begins. I'll be meeting with acclaimed director Stanley Nelson soon, and we'll come up with a game plan for how we approach the film, who the crew members should be and what segments of the story ought to be filmed first. We will...
In Search of Good Visions
This morning I laid in bed thinking about visions. I can't help it. It's one of my passions. Nothing can happen for you unless you submit to your vision; unless your vision becomes a way of life; a life that your are committed to pursuing no matter where it takes you. Why should anyone support your vision unless you have demonstrated that you are...