Ebb and Flow
Ebb and Flow is a short dance clip that features Tulani, my daughter, dancing on a beach in Southern California. You'll get a chance to meet her in my upcoming film, but for now you can view Ebb and Flow here... This clip is part of a series called Dances Made to Order, an on-line dance festival produced by Kingsley Iron. The music in Ebb and...
Remembering Baba Afolabi Epega
I still hear the voice, the laughter and the wisdom. I have no doubt that the spirit of Dr. Afolabi Epega is with me as I sit with clients to practice the ancient art of Ifa divination. What is he saying to me? "The answer is not in the book, the answer is on the divination table. Speak the truth and let the client deal with the truth. Divination...
Blessing of Wealth
The Yoruba spiritual calendar year begins the first week of June at the Agbonnerigun, or Ifa festival which is held each year in the sacred city of Ile Ife. All the Orisas are invoked and prayers are said for the entire world. Offerings are also made to the Orisas. The blessing of wealth/money is the prediction for the year, which came down in...

The Quest For Iwa Pele
"The yes man is your enemy, but your friend will argue with you." So says a Russian proverb. I reflect on this proverb today as I think of our obligation to be truthful to ourselves and to those that we love. Yesterday, I had to remind a friend that his behavior and explosive temper is holding him back from achieving his full potential. His main...
Across The King’s River Producer Speaks At Harvard
Film producer, James Weeks, says he’s guided by three things: the power of visions, the power of stories and the wisdom of the heart. And once you allow yourself to be guided by these three principles, you can’t go wrong, he insists. That’s how Weeks began a recent speech at Harvard University. The charismatic, Oakland-based producer was on...

Divination: Communicating With Divine Energies
In this delightful lecture punctuated with humor, insight and personal anecdotes, Chief Babalawo Oluwole Ifakunle, affectionately known as the "Babalawo of Harlem," gives an overview of Ifa divination and the role it can play in our lives. I recently met Baba Ifakunle at a conference at Harvard University entitled "Sacred Healing and Wholeness in...

Visions, Stories and Heart!
The power of visions, the importance of stories, and the wisdom of the heart! I began my speech at Harvard University on April 13th with these gems that guide me on my journey as a filmmaker. I'll share a clip of that speech in a few days, but for now I just want to thank Funlayo Wood for having the vision and the tenacity to organize the day...

Ifa: Ancient Wisdom For Modern Times
“An ancient legacy worthy of the most profound reflection! A classic of African and world literature! One of the great sacred texts of the world!” This is how one leading African-American scholar describes the Odu Ifa, the sacred, texts of the Yoruba people of Southwest Africa, that traditionally, were transmitted orally from generation to the...

A Blessing From The Orisas
As my son and I drove home recently, I reflected on something that he told me... The stark reality that many of the friends that he used to hang out with are either dead or in jail. I immediately taught of my elders in Africa and all the ebos, or sacrifices we had done to help Malcolm over the years. And how I took him to seek spiritual help in...

Ifa Divination: Insight Into Your Future
“Most people are born blind and few ever learn to see,” says Nigerian writer, Ben Okri, in his book, The Famished Road. But what if you expanded your vision and learned to see with new eyes? Not only might you make better decisions, you might be able to live a more fulfilling life right now. The ancient art of divination is designed to do just...