Doing The Lord’s Work
"I'm doing The Lord's Work." That's what my friend, Ifagbemi Fasaye, said recently. Then we both bust out laughing. And the more I thought about it, the more I laughed. I'll be laughing for a very long time. And who knows, maybe I'll start telling folks I'm doing The Lord's work too. Sounds like a noble thing to...

The Future of Santeria (And Spirituality)
I recently read a great article by Omimelli. She's a blogger at the site, The Mystic Cup. The article is entitled: Is There A Future for Santeria? Ominelli writes eloquently about issues that many of us know or have experienced in some way. Like the impact of the internet on our traditions: "The power of enhanced communications and the...
Contemplation On Ofun Meji
A friend of mine, Marcos Ifalola Sanchez, wrote the following meditation on the Holy Odu, Ofun Meji. I enjoyed reading it and wanted to share. Marcus also has a nice blog. You can visit him at this link - Ifa Yesterday, Ifa Today, Ifa Tomorrow: We-start-where-we-end’ Was the Awo who divined for ‘the small child who knows nothing’ When performing...

2013 Reading For The Year by Chief Awodele Ifayemi
Happy New Year, Blessings to you as we embark on 2013. I've provided a link to reading of the year that was performed by Chief Awodele Ifayemi. He's one of my mentors and you'll find a treasure-trove of articles about Ifa on his website. In a separate post, I'll provide links to other Ifa divinations readings by other awos, to give you a...

The Ancestors Have Your Back
I was disgusted when I got the email. "Pissed off" is a more accurate way of describing it. And the feeling of disgust went on for days that stretched into weeks, and for weeks that stretched into months. Yet, this morning as I sit in meditation reflecting on the chain of events that made me so upset, I'm pleased to say I no longer feel the same...

Blending With Spirit
"Don't think - FEEL. Don't think- SENSE. Don't think - become aware." I've just returned from a week-long workshop with mediums and mystics, and they all say that they strive not to think when they communicate with the Spirit World. They say thinking interferes with the flow of messages from the Spirit World. It's like "dropping a call" on your...

Sacred Visions and the Wisdom of Your Heart
Whenever I’m asked what Across The King’s River is all about, I always say it’s a documentary about finding and fulfilling your life’s purpose. In the film, I’ll be taking my daughter to meet some of the great healers and diviners of West Africa, and we’ll be sharing some of their insights with the world. Our journey will take us into the...
Listen The First Time
The elders consulted Ifa and warned him not travel to California. He came anyway, all the way from Nigeria, leaving a wife and two young children behind, hoping to find a job here when millions of other Americans cannot. I also told him he shouldn't come. The recession is ugly, I told him repeatedly. Even well-educated folks are struggling, I...

Reflections on Hurricane Sandy
The ferocious strength of Hurricane Sandy was yet another reminder of the immense power of nature and the sobering fact we are not above her. We are part of nature and must understand our role in the cosmos. Our ancestors had deep reverence for these forces of nature that we call the orisas; our spiritual beliefs and practices revolve around...

Are You Looking For Magic Or Spiritual Growth?
Lately, I've been thinking about something my mentor told me years ago when I began Ifa divination training. My mentor was the late Afolabi Epega, a 5th generation Ifa priest who also had a doctorate in organic chemistry. Although he died in 2006, I still hear his laughter and booming voice. As I invoke Ifa and interpret the odus, his spirit is...