The Promise of Ifa
We've just finished breakfast! And soon I'll have the house to myself because Stephanie, my wife, and Malcolm, my son, will be taking all four grandchildren to the movies. The little rascals (Malcolm's kids) don't live with us. They visit every other weekend. Jakari, 8, loves to eat; he also loves school and soccer. He almost scored in his last...

Five Tips to Connect With Your Ancestors
So you've set up an altar (or shrine) for your ancestors, and you make regular offerings to them. Yet, you find yourself wondering if you're truly connecting with Spirit or merely going through the motions. Here are some tips that I've found helpful for building a stronger connection with your Egungun (ancestors). MAKE IT A PRIORITY: Your...

Chanelling With Medium Tahira West
The reading with Tahira West rocked! This gifted young medium brought through powerful messages from my Dad and from my grandmother in Spirit. And the messages were not only on point but on time. Through Tahira, Grandma gave me not only encouragement but ideas for the funding of my film: potential partners, potential strategies, potential...

Five Tips Before Your Next Divination Session
So you're thinking about booking a divination session or a spiritual reading and you're not sure how to begin or what to expect... Here are five tips to consider... TIP # 1.: Make sure the diviner is sane: I wish I could say I'm joking but I'm not. Sad to say, there are folks in my profession who are not emotionally balanced...

On Sacred Ground
"Christians look toward the sky. We look toward the ground." That's what Baba Oluwale Ifakunle said as he poured an ancestral libation at the Divine Space and Sacred Territories conference that was recently held at Harvard University. Organized by the African and Diasporic Religious Studies Association, the conference featured scholars from...

The Healing Power of Sacrifice
The client couldn't believe it. The shift in her sister's behavior was so profound, my client had a good laugh and called to tell me about it. For months, the relationship between Tamara, my client, and her sister had been tense, ugly. "Evil" - that's how Tamara described her sister to me. They both live together with their Mom,...

Light As A Feather
Light as a feather! This is how softly your ancestors might speak to you. And this is why you must listen intently - not just with your ears, but with every fiber in your being. They spoke to you yesterday, they spoke to you today, they will speak to you tomorrow and they are speaking to you right now. But you'll never hear them unless you...

Taking Back Your Power
"Nobody starts out in life planning to give all their power away. But you give your power away when: you don't believe in yourself, or when you don't stand up for yourself, or when you doubt yourself, or when you believe that others are somehow more sacred or special than you, or when you believe that you've failed and won't...

What To Offer The Orisas?
A client recently asked what type of offering he should make to the orisas: Ifa and Ori. He wanted a clearer spiritual connection to the orisas, he explained. I told him something he probably wasn't expecting to hear. I told him he should offer trust because if he doesn't trust himself or his connection to the orisas he can make...

Trusting Messages From Spirit
"I have to remember to trust myself. I felt it with every atom in my body." That's what my friend, Tahira, said to me recently. She kept seeing a butterfly hovering about, and somehow she knew it was a sign from Spirit that someone she knew was going to pass. And boom! That's exactly what happened. Tahira got the news this morning....