Communicating With Ancestors
Here's the link for the most recent King's River newsletter! Enjoy!! Click Here I would love to hear your comments! And if you've enjoyed reading this newsletter! Just sign up for my inspirational newsletter below. It's free. Sign Up NowFor Email Marketing you can trust. James Weeks Producer/Across The King's River

Go With The Flow
Just go with the flow... The flow is the first thing that comes to your mind. The first impressions. The first feelings. This is how the spiritual masters roll... And you can roll like this too... See, that initial gut feeling about something or someone is often correct, even if you don't know why. It's the voice of Spirit speaking to you, the...

What Momma Said
We never had much but we always had each other... That's what Momma told me years ago when I asked what life was like growing up in the Virgin Islands during her childhood. That conversation came up again recently when she visited me in California. "We didn't have radio or t.v." she explained. "We made our own music and told our own stories. We...

Embracing Your Truth
The message I delivered wasn't the message she wanted to hear... famous narrative essays She didn't think it was "spiritual" enough, and she couldn't understand why I was asking her questions in the divination session. As for the ritual ebo for her health that Ifa prescribed? Well, the client said she could tell right away that I was I was trying...

Three Ways To Know When You’re On The Right Path
A client wrote me yesterday and said he felt spiritually off-track! He wanted advice for getting his life back on track... Before I share my thoughts about how to get back on-track, how do you know if you're on the right path to begin with? YOU KNOW BECAUSE: Divine Intervention: It was revealed to you through divination, a vision, a dream, your...

Are You Tuned In?
Intuition isn't about what you think. And it's definitely not about what others think... It's about what you feel. It's about the guidance that comes from within; it's about the quiet conviction of knowing what's right for you! If you're not in touch with what you feel, you're lost... And when you're lost you'll keep making the same mistakes over...

Is Your Life in Balance?
A balance of cosmic forces in your life... That's what the Ifa spiritual tradition is all about - balance. "If it's too hot, cool it down. And if it's too cool, heat things up," my mentor, the late Dr. Afolabi Epega, once said to me during divination training. Baba Epega, a 5th generation Ifa priest, also said: things should neither be too...

Ifa Divination And Your Lucky Lotto Number
The request from the client was urgent.... He needed $15,000 to pay off some debts in a hurry and every request he made for a loan has been rejected so far. So he was hoping that maybe I could use my skills as an Ifa diviner or as a numerologist to help him win the lotto. I wish I could, and I would do it for him in a heartbeat (for free) if I...
Ifa Sees The Big Picture
Well, what's taking so long? write my essay service That's more or less what my client wanted to know... I did a ritual for her about two weeks ago and she was frustrated because she didn't see any changes yet. And she was hella depressed about it. I smiled. Then I fired off a quick email to her. "Just because you didn't notice any changes yet...

Driven by Numbers, Patterns and The Divine
His passion for mathematics began early in life... Sangodare Brown was six years-old, in the first grade, and his father had just introduced him to multiplication tables. But he was hungry to learn more. So when Sangodare found out his older sister, Philippa, was studying high school algebra he wanted to learn it too. Then, in the second grade,...