Happy New Year
It's a new day; a new time; a new year! I'm excited about all the possibilities and I hope you are too. I believe 2015 can be your year if you're willing to take risks and try new things. There's no reason to think that things must remain the same... Hell No! You are NOT destined to struggle all your life in a job that you hate, nor stay in a...

Believe in yourself…
Believe in yourself... That's all the ancestors are asking of you. That's all that the universe demands! I know! It's easier said than done. Yet, this is the challenge before us. This is where the work begins. This is not a battle you can afford to lose. There's simply too much at stake... The outside world wages a systematic campaign every...

Kickstarter Success!
Thanks to all fans and friends who helped make our recent crowd-funding campaign a success. We successfully raised $25K in 30 days... If you didn't get a chance to pledge during the Kickstarter campaign, you can still make a donation directly on our main website. www.acrossgthekingsriver.com We appreciate any level of support... A documentary...

Help Fund Across The King’s River
Greetings Family, We successfully kicked-off our fundraising campaign for Across The King's River on Oct, 31st. And here is the link to our campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/88690702/across-the-kings-river This campaign ends on November 29 and we must hit a minimum target of $25,000 in order for this campaign to be successful. After...

On The Road Again
We'll be launching a fundraising campaign for my film, Across The King's River, on Thursday, October 31st. And we'll be counting on your support... A successful campaign will allow us to move forward with this film project that began almost six years ago. A film is a marathon - it's not a spring. That's what one of my filmmaking mentors told me...

The Wisdom Of Your Little Ones
My granddaughter says my nose is big... And my grandson says my feet are ugly... My little ones make me laugh! They crack me up because they're just being sincere. They're not trying to hurt my feelings in any way. (At least I hope not). LOL They're just keeping it real! My nose IS big. What can I say, it runs in the family. And my feet? Let's...

No Magic Bullet
One Yoruba proverb says it all... "Patience is the father of character." Yet of all spiritual challenges patience ranks high as one of the toughest to master. What do you say? Does it feel like the universe is working your very last nerves? Have you been feeling this way for years? Well, welcome to the club... For me, the frustration has been...

Five Minutes With Mom
Mom is visiting me from St. Croix, Virgin Islands... And the other day she said something that really moved me. She said she was happy to be at home with me. She said being with me for even five minutes means so much to her. Her words touched me because we have most things backward in this crazy world that we live in... We've been conditioned to...

A Shower Of Blessings
"A blessing is the state of the soul," says African shaman, Malidoma Some, in this You Tube speech. "People tend to see blessings as meaning prosperity. You have to disconnect these two things. Blessing does not necessarily mean prosperity. Blessing is a state of the soul. A place in which the person's psyche sits in comfort," Malidoma explains....

Gold In The Garbage
I was a guest on Africa Today recently... It's a popular radio show hosted by Walter Turner on KPFA, and you can listen to it by clicking here. It was an honor to be on Walter's show again. He's a spiritual, intellectual and cultural beacon as well as a community activist too! I was struck by something he said before the show began... I overheard...