Staying On Track in 2016

Staying On Track in 2016

2016 is here... And I hope you're ready to take massive action to achieve your personal and spiritual goals! There's no time to lose if you're serious about making 2016 your best year ever. You've got to be laser-focused. My goal is to complete my book by end of year. It's called "Meditations Across The River: African-inspired Wisdom for Life's...

Giving Thanks Again

Giving Thanks Again

We gave thanks for our blessings! That's what we did as we gathered for dinner on Thanksgiving. Of course one should give thanks every day. But let's face it, on some days we give thanks more than other days. My wife, Stephanie, led the prayer by acknowledging my brother-in law, Hashim. He's no longer with us. But he had dinner with us last...

Birth Of a Miracle

Birth Of a Miracle

Myles is here... His birth is one of the miracles of 2015, and he's teaching me faith and courage and perseverance. His Mom, Letitia, says "nothing is too hard or impossible to achieve when you're walking in your destiny. When you follow the voice of God and guidance from the ancestors, everything that is meant for you will come to you at the...

Finding Peace Within!

Finding Peace Within!

If there's no peace in within, you'll drift off course... And you might end up pursuing the wrong things, or the wrong people, or the wrong dreams! So important to get back on course! So important to find that center of peace within. So important to understand that there's no need for outside validation. I've been thinking about inner peace a lot...

Following Your Calling

Following Your Calling

"We all know when we are not following our calling," says the late Zulu healer P.H. Mntshali. "We are unhappy," he says. "It's as simple as that. We are restless. We do not like the people we work with. We do not like our work." "We must move on. This work, these people. It is not their fault. We are in the wrong place. It's so important to take...

Remembering Baby Brother

Remembering Baby Brother

My little brother wants me to show you this picture. Gene talks to me from the Spirit world. He also inspires me from the Spirit world. He was a musician; I think of him as I practice my guitar each night. He listens! He wants me to write songs; work on my vocals. Gene was one year younger than me! He was also taller than me. I'm 6' 3" and he was...

They Are We

They Are We

My body is in Cuba, but my soul is in Africa. It is the African soul that nurtures my body here in Cuba. Our people who were taken away have found their home again." - They Are We, a documentary film by Emma Christopher I first learned about the film They Are We during a recent trip home to St. Croix, Virgin Islands. They Are We resonates with me...

African Shaman Helps Schizophrenic Son

African Shaman Helps Schizophrenic Son

Interesting Washington Post article about how West African shaman, Malidoma Some, helped one man's schizophrenic son. Click here to read now. Would love to hear your thoughts: Some 2.2 million Americans suffer from mental illness... This article hits close to home. One of my siblings has been battling mental illness for more than two decades. The...

Are You Free Yet?

Are You Free Yet?

Are you free yet? The great freedom fighter, Harriet Tubman, would probably want to know. She said: "I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves." I love that quote. What about you? The struggle for freedom, justice and equality never ends. There's always work to be done. You can be sure of...

Honoring Spirit!

Honoring Spirit!

You must honor your Spirit... This is where you must begin; this is where you must end. That's the advice I gave to a client who came for divination tonight Not only must you honor your Spirit, you must remember that you ARE Spirit! Forget what everyone else thinks or does. Be still; attune yourself to what your own Spirit is saying. Stop...