Your Season Will Come
Your season will come... I speak to you from my heart -- not from things I've read in a book, but from things I've experienced -- blood, sweat, tears and faith. You see, back in 2003 when I was being initiated into the Ifa spiritual tradition -- my spiritual godfather, Aseda -- the elder in this picture, told me I would write a book one day....

Flowers Bloom In Difficult Places
I was invited to speak about my upcoming book in San Francisco a few weeks ago. I told them the truth -- 100% of it. You see, I could have only said that Meditations Across The King's River will be published this month because I sat down one day and decided to write a book. But I told them the whole story -- about how my son was in a dangerous...

You Can’t Do It Alone
You can't do it all alone... No one can. At some point you're going to need help for one reason or another. And with that help, you can propel your life to a whole new level. If you're feeling stuck, or lost, or alone, I hope what I'm saying sinks deep in your soul. I'm speaking to you with full confidence based on what my spiritual journey...

Yes, You Have A Soulmate!
I believe you have a soulmate... In fact, I think most people have more than one soulmate. If you haven't met them yet, one day you probably will. I've been thinking about soulmates a lot lately, because my book, Meditations Across The King's River: African-Inspired Wisdom For Life's Journey, will be published in a few weeks, in early December....
I’ll Be Launching My Book Soon
I'm excited to tell you that I will be launching my book soon... Meditations Across The King's River: African-Inspired Wisdom For Life's Journey, will be published later this month, or in early December at the very latest. I will provide more details in a series of emails that you'll receive in the upcoming weeks. As I mentioned before,...

Balancing Spiritual and Financial Growth
If you're struggling financially you're not alone.. The reality is that most us are struggling for one reason or another, on one level or another but the beautiful thing is we can all take steps to become financially stronger and wiser. And it starts with financial literacy... That's why I decided to include an essay on balancing spiritual and...

Keep It Moving
You have to keep it moving... That's the best advice I can give. We haven't spoken in a while so I'm not sure what challenges you're facing these days. But I can tell you this with 100 percent conviction... If you follow what your Spirit has been telling you to do, you probably won't feel as stuck. And you will have more momentum, more peace of...

Master Mind, Body and Spirit
I appeared as a guest on Master Mind, Body and Spirit recently... It's a show hosted by Matt Belair. He's an author, speaker, athlete, coach and speaker. His show is a top rated podcast on Spirituality on Itunes and has 200 five stars reviews. Here's the link to the You Tube Clip: https://youtu.be/6wpPdN3o7DE We spoke of many things: I shared a...

Trusting Your Ancestors
As a spiritual advisor, clients sometimes tell me they don't feel connected to their ancestors and are worried their prayers are not being answered. Usually, when I hear this, it's because something in their life is not going the way they think it should go. I have news for them and I have news for you too... Let go of your expectations and allow...

Why Your Story Matters
I know I haven't written for a while... ...And that's because I've been a bit busy. I've been working on my book, Meditations Across the King's River, which will be available for purchase sometime in August. My wife, Stephanie, a former editor at Essence, is editing my manuscript and Mark Feijao Milligan, a gifted artist from St. Croix who's...