
Live Your Best Life Now

“Life is happening right now — in real time” says coach, Jewel Love. Take advantage of what today has to offer. Don’t waste this moment — make it happen.

I spoke to Jewel recently on FB Live.

We discussed many things: healing, the importance of maintaining a daily spiritual practice, and not being afraid to ask for help when you really need it.

And travel — which is so important to the soul, says Jewel.

You don’t have to travel internationally, he points out. Even travelling locally can help keep your mind and spirit fresh, says Jewel. Try visiting a new museum, take a different route on your way home; the opportunities to experience something new are endless.

I especially loved what Jewel says about living life now.

“It’s lifestyle and a choice,” says Jewel. “And it’s possible for all of us.”

Of course, mystics and philosophers have been talking about living life today for centuries.

But what makes Jewel’s message so compelling is the fact that he actually tries to live this way. Because he’s self-employed and can work remotely, he’s been traveling and living in different Latin American countries for the past two years.

Jewel wasn’t always traveling the world on the scale he is now.

I remember sitting in his tiny apartment in Oakland several years ago, sharing a meal and our visions for the future.

At the time, Jewel was still training as a therapist, and I was working on my book, Meditations Across the King’s River: African-inspired Wisdom for Life’s Journey. We’ve both come a long way since those days.

You can go far too. Don’t give up on your visions for the future.

As you reflect on living your best life, think about what this means for you. What do you need to start doing? What do you need to stop doing? What support you need to maximize 2023?

This is all for now.

I would love to hear your thoughts. I will respond once I hear from you. Here’s the link to my talk with Jewel once again, Live Your Best Life. Check it out!

Talk soon and stay blessed.

James Weeks

Unlocking The Power of the Yoruba Language

“Don’t get discouraged.”

“Stay focused and find ways to follow your passion. Eventually it will all make sense.”

This is what Yoruba language expert, Oloye Aikula Iwindara, was saying in a recent FB live talk we had last month.

If you missed our chat, you can check it out here:

Oloye Aikula, was sharing tips for learning the ancient Yoruba language — which is spoken in Southwest Nigeria as well as Benin and other countries.

He amazes me because he’s one of the few people in my spiritual tradition that speaks Yoruba fluently. It’s quite an accomplishment. Oloye Aikula is also an Ifa priest, or babalawo. Some of the wisdom he shared is universal and can be applied to anything you wish to accomplish.

“You must follow what adds fire to your flames,” Oloye says.

I was blessed to meet Oloye in person late last year when I had an opportunity to travel to Florida. Because I also speak Yoruba, it was special to be able to converse with someone who is fluent in one of the languages of our ancestors. Oloye

I’ll never forget that moment — It was spiritually uplifting and rewarding.

Over the years, I’ve discovered that language is more than stringing words and sentences together — it’s also about cultural and spiritual identity. And it’s also about personal growth.

Oloye’s journey to learning Yoruba hasn’t been easy. He’s spent years studying Yoruba in the U.S. as well as in Nigeria. “Language acquisition takes years,” he says.

“Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when learning a language,” he adds. “Be open to criticism. Put your ego aside. Revert back to childhood. Stick with it — even if it’s tedious.”

Don’t quench the fire…

I’ve made a commitment to go deeper into language studies. But even if you’re not interested in languages, you can definitely apply some of the nuggets we shared to your life and other things you wish to explore and eventually master.

So much is possible for you. Another world awaits you.

Here’s the thing, most people give up too soon and way too easily.

At the first sign of adversity, many people quit.

Don’t be the person that quits Be the person that keeps going. Be the person who leaves a legacy others aspire to follow. Your blessing is right around the corner.

This is all for now. Respond to this email and I will write you back asap. Would love to hear your thoughts.

I welcome your comments. Wishing you a great day and week.

Until we speak again, all my love.

James Weeks

P.S. Also, please subscribe to my new You Tube Channel. I will be interviewing healers, spiritual coaches, authors and finance professionals, and I don’t want you to miss out. Here’s the link: James Weeks You Tube Channel.

P.S.S. Still available for spiritual readings: here’s the link: Spiritual Readings. My book, Meditations Across the King’s River is available at this link. Order Book Here.

All You Need Is Within You

“All you need is within you. You don’t need to go looking for it,” says therapist and spiritual medium, Ife Milligan.

Ife is the author of the new book, Divine Reflections At the Crossroads. I was blessed to interview her recently on FB live.

If you missed our FB talk, you can check it out here:

And if you would like to purchase a copy of her book, you can do so here: Divine Reflections At The Crossroads.

Ife is so full of wisdom…

Not only is she from the same Caribbean, island I’m from, (St. Croix), she grew up across the street from my grandmother’s house.

Anyway, she was motivated to write her book when she realized “the importance of including our ancestors on our journey.”

“It wasn’t until I got to a place where I fully surrendered to the guidance of our ancestors, that is when things truly began to shift for me,” she explains.

What holds folks back from living their best life?

Fear, she says — fear of surrendering and doing the hard work of personal development. “You have to be ready,” she says. “People can give you advice, but you have to be ready.”

Healing is a journey that never ends, says Ife. “We are never fully healed. Your new level of existence requires a new level of healing. As we ascend, more healing is required.”

I really hope you check out our conversation.  She shares gems we can all benefit from. Interview With Ife Milligan.

Ife and I share similar views on purpose. “Your destiny and purpose are inside of you,” she says. “Our purpose might shift and change as we evolve. There are destinies within destinies.”

I love the notion of destinies within destinies — sounds so mystical.

What would your life look like if you released your fears and surrendered some more?

If you trusted your intuition more? If you stopped caring about what others think? If you made a commitment to work on self-improvement every day?

If you are willing to make some changes, you can end 2022 strong. And you can blossom in 2023.

This is all for now. I would love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to reach out to me, and I will write you back.

Don’t forget to get a copy of Ife’s book. Here’s the link once again: Divine Reflections At The Crossroads.

Also, please subscribe to my new You Tube Channel. I will be interviewing healers, spiritual coaches, authors and finance professionals, and I don’t want you to miss out. Here’s the link: James Weeks You Tube Channel.

May the ancestors guide and protect you until we connect again.


James Weeks


Meditations Across The King’s River

P.S. If you would like to book a spiritual reading, you can do so here: Book A Reading.


Do You Know Your Purpose?

I did a recent FB live talk about following your life’s purpose.

Here’s the replay if you missed it: Purpose Driven Conversation.

Purpose is important because without clarity about your purpose, you will drift forever.

Or you might not dare to be all you can be. Too many of us end up settling for so little in life. It doesn’t have to be that way.

I was inspired to do this talk about purpose because a client wanted to know if she could discover her purpose through a spiritual reading.

Here’s the thing, a spiritual reading can be insightful and can point you in the right direction.

However, so many clues about your life’s mission are already deep within you. It’s your job to put those clues together, and it’s not that difficult.

Don’t overthink it — feel it.

I always let folks know that a spiritual reading led me to my path as a priest in the Yoruba spiritual tradition. But I have so many other passions, and I didn’t discover them in through a reading. They came to me naturally.

I think of purpose as a journey without end. You are an eternal soul. There’s no limit to what you can do or be.

We are sovereign souls — not machines. So don’t put yourself in a box, and never allow others to put you in a box.

Follow your heart!

What is your heart telling you about your purpose? Your relationship? Your job? Your health? Your next steps?

And what do you plan to do about what you already know? This is the key — take action. The truth is sometimes we know what to do but we’re just not doing it.

Don’t let fear get in the way!

We are six months away from 2023. If you haven’t been working on the things that are important to you, it’s time to correct that.

I shared several tips for connecting to purpose in my FB talk. Would love to know what you think. Here’s the link once again. Tips For Following Purpose.

This is all for now. Hope you are enjoying the summer. Respond to this newsletter, and I will write you back as soon as possible.

Until then, all my love.

James Weeks

Meditations Across The King’s River

P.S. Still available for spiritual consultations.

Do Not Deviate


I was listening to one of my mentors early Sunday morning.

He was talking about having a plan and sticking with it — even when you don’t feel like it.

And he also spoke about not letting fear or emotions get in the way of what you set out to accomplish.

I appreciated his wisdom. It reminded me of a verse in my spiritual tradition that says, “the way is straight – it does not deviate.”

The truth is we can have more success in almost any area of our lives if we stay the course. If we find reasons to stay on our path instead of finding reasons to stray from it.

It all comes down to discipline. With discipline the impossible becomes possible.

With discipline a new life, a better life, can be crafted from your current life. With discipline, you won’t even recognize your current life 24 months from now.

My mentor challenged us to come up with a plan for the next 30 days and to stick with it.

He explained it takes at least 30 days to break bad habits and to replace them with good habits.

I’m excited, and I’m committed!

What area of your life will you commit to improving for the next 30 days? For the next 60 days? For the next 90 days?

And what sacrifices are you willing to make?

For me, I will be launching an updated version of my book Meditations Across The King’s River with a new publisher by end of 2022 or by early 2023, and I am also working on an audio version of my book as well.

I also continue to mentor others in finance, trading and investing — this is a crucial skill to know as our country slides deeper and deeper into a recession.

Generational wealth is important. Do you want it?

Enough about me, what’s going on with you? What are you working on these days? I encourage you to keep going. Do not deviate.

And don’t be discouraged if others do not see value in what you are doing and what you have to offer.

Would love to hear from you. Respond to this newsletter, and I will write you back asap. Be blessed until we connect again.

All my love.

James Weeks

Meditations Across The King’s River

P.S. Still available for spiritual readings

How My Family Crisis Set Me Free

I did a FB Live Event with my son, Malcolm recently.

We spoke about the crisis he was going through 20 years ago.

And how that crisis led us on a deep spiritual journey that still inspires us today.

As you probably know, I wrote about my experiences with Malcolm in my book, Meditations Across The King’s River.

But this was the first time, audiences around the world got a chance to hear from Malcolm directly and could ask questions.

Here’s what we discussed:

1. How he went from being an aspiring thug to a successful businessman.

2. How our spiritual journey to Nigeria, West Africa in 2003 changed our lives.

3. How his crisis helped me discover my calling as an Ifa priest and diviner.

4. How he stays spiritually and emotionally grounded during these challenging times.

5. How a message from my deceased grandmother helped us.

I was glad I had that public conversation with Malcolm for many reasons.

It deepened my appreciation for the Yoruba spiritual tradition, and my elders in Nigeria who gave me hope at a time when things in my family seemed bleak 20 years ago.

Here’s the thing, Shirley, we all experience some kind of crisis at one point or another. That’s life.

But what if the challenges you’re going through turns out to be a huge blessing that changes your life forever?

And what if the wisdom you gain from your crisis impacts people all over the world? This is what happened for me and my son.

Our crisis eventually set us free. Is it fulfilling? Yes! Was it easy? Hell No!

Miracles happen, Shirley, and a miracle can happen for you. I know this from my own experience as well as from the testimonies of others.

Do not give up hope, and do not lose focus.

Dig deep, call on the Higher Power, and keep it moving. People will come in your life and people will go, but promise yourself you will keep it pushing.

This is all for now. Please know you have my support in all you do.

Here’s the link to my interview with Malcolm once again: Interview with Malcolm.

Would love to hear from you. Feel free to respond and I will write back as soon as possible.


James Weeks

Success Doesn’t Come Overnight

I was a guest on The Ready Writer show recently.

It’s a series hosted by Casey Bell. He interviews writers about their journey, and also shares tips for aspiring authors.

You can check out our conversation here: Reader Writer Interview.

We spoke about many things.

I didn’t grow up dreaming of being a writer and I told Casey that right away.

And I had no idea I was destined to be a filmmaker, a finance coach or a spiritual guide in the Yoruba sacred tradition.

But my journey led me to all of these things.

I believe your journey will take you places you cannot begin to imagine.

Because of all you’ve been through, you might doubt there’s a divine plan for your life, but I know God has something specially designed for you.

But keep this in mind, What you hope to achieve won’t happen overnight. None of the things I’ve accomplished so far have happened overnight. It’s been a step-by-step journey.

During my interview, Casey asked what advice I would give to those who feel depressed, discouraged or overwhelmed by all the tension and craziness in our world.

Here’s what I told him

1. Practice daily self-care. Take time out for reflection.

2. Check in with your own Spirit consistently.

3. Focus on what inspires you. This is all I try to do every single day. Follow inspiration.

4. Instead of only doing what you want to do. Do what you need to do.

5. Try to look at your problems in a different way? Ask yourself: How can I grow from this experience?

This is all for now.

Here’s the link to the interview once again. The Ready Writer Interview

Check it out and let me know what you think. Also, if you would like to support my newsletter, click here: Newsletter Tip.

Enjoy Your Weekend

James Weeks

Author Meditations Across The King’s River

P.S. Still available for spiritual readings.

P.S.S. Signed copies of my book are still available.

P.S.S. If you would like information about creating generational wealth let me know.

Your Wellness Comes First

I did a FB Live interview with my friend, Ife Miligan recently.

We’re both from St. Croix, Virgin Islands. In fact, she grew up across the street from my grandma’s house.

Ife is a spiritual medium, as well as a trained therapist and dedicated teacher of the sacred orisa dance traditions that originated with the Yoruba people of West Africa.

We spoke about emotional wellness and shared tips for connecting with ancestors: You can check out our conversation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6zLd_ZlyNA&t=110s

My journey has taught me that our emotional health is the foundation for everything. It’s a long journey. We must constantly monitor our emotional health and work to improve it.

Everything is connected, as Ife points out in our talk. How we feel emotionally impacts our health and our Spirit.

Over the years I’ve also learned that our emotional health also impacts our finances. It’s difficult to build wealth if we are not emotionally stable or hopeful about the future.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. You’re not alone. I believe we must all find ways to support each other.

Here are some nuggets from Ife:

1. Emotionally wellness is your birthright. You are deserving of being well.

2. Pay attention to what your emotions are trying to teach you. There are lessons and opportunities within your emotions.

3. Allow your emotions to tell you what you need.

4. Go inward. Honor yourself and check in with yourself. Pay attention.

Here are some tips that I shared:

1. Let go of things that are beyond your control.

2. Let go of the expectations of others that have nothing to do with your life.

3. Maintain a daily spiritual practice.

4. Understand that things usually happen in God’s time — not in our own time.

Ife also shared something that I think is important. She talked about surrendering — and then surrendering some more.

When you feel tested, and you will be tested, ask yourself: how can I surrender some more?

Be sure to check out the interview because we also share some tips on connecting with ancestors. Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6zLd_ZlyNA&t=110s

This is all for now. Would love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to write at your convenience.

May the ancestors guide and protect you always.


James Weeks

Author Meditations Across The King’s River

P.S. Still available for spiritual readings.

P.S.S. Signed copies of my book are still available, so email me if you would like a signed copy.

If you don’t want a signed copy, you can order a regular copy at this link:https://www.balboapress.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/781004-meditations-across-the-kings-river

Five Tips To Financial Freedom

I recently did a FB talk live on finances.  I called it Five Tips To Financial Freedom.  I don’t know what your goals are in life, but I know this.  Some of your goals require money, and if you don’t get serious about acquiring more financial knowledge, you might not achieve them.

Here’s the link to the talk I gave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JvHGNOlR1g&t=1s

Wealth doesn’t just happen; we need to be intentional about it, and we must be committed.

Here are some of the tips I shared in my video.

  1. Take care of your mental and emotional health.  This is the foundation.  If you’re not in a good place emotionally, it will be hard to focus on your finances and other things that are important.  Improving your emotional health will allow you to make better decisions about everything, including your finances.
  2. Be intentional about your financial goals: Most people pray for wealth, dream about wealth, and fantasize about wealth, but don’t do anything practical about it.  You must take steps every week and every month toward your financial goals.
  3. Examine beliefs about money that are hold you back: Some people think being spiritual means they don’t have to pay attention to their finances, or they don’t need to do anything about them. This is why so many end up in poverty.  Others think money is the root of all evil.  Not true.  What are your beliefs about money?  Are your beliefs about money progressive?
  4. Decide what vehicle you wish to use to build wealth: In my book, Meditations Across the King’s River: African-Inspired Wisdom For Life’s Journey, I shared numerous ideas for improving finances.  Choose a vehicle that resonates with you.  I mentor people in two major wealth trends: cryptocurrency and foreign exchange trading and investing.  If you would like more information about my mentorship, please email me at james@acrossthingskingsriver.com
  5. Get a mentor: Mentorship can help you accelerate your wealth-building goals. If you don’t have a finance coach or mentor, consider getting one.  Mentorship has been called the 8th wonder of the world.  I invest in mentors.  Decide what is best for you.

I would love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to email me.


James Weeks



Why You Must Face Your Fears

My book, Meditations Across The King’s River, was featured in the international media recently.

Not only was it featured in the Associated Press and on ABC and NBC affiliates, it was also featured in news outlets in Asia. https://acrossthekingsriver.com/media-links/

When this happened, I closed my eyes and mentally traveled all the way back to Nigeria, West Africa, where my journey in the Ifa spiritual tradition began back in 2003.

…That’s when my elders told me one day, I would be recognized for the spiritual work I am doing.

Even though they told me this, I found it hard to believe them because there was so much stress and chaos in my life at the time. I could barely think of the future because my present was so rocky.

…But I knew I had to keep moving. I had no choice.

And I knew I had to face my fears. 1. Fear of losing my job. 2. Fear my family would fall apart. 3. Fear I would lose my home when hard times hit. 4. Fear of rejection.

My path has not been easy, but here’s what I now realize. I had nothing to fear because my ancestors had bigger plans for my life. I believe your ancestors have bigger plans for your life too, even though you might not know what the plan is.

My journey has taught me so many things and trust me when I say that I’m still learning.

  1. Believe in your vision and keep moving forward even if others doubt or criticize you.
  2. Maintain a daily spiritual practice to keep you emotionally grounded so you can think clearly.
  3. Avoid distractions. Be mindful of bad habits that can lead you off track.
  4. Get a mentor and listen to what your mentor has to say. Mentorship is the key to growth.
  5. Be disciplined. Be patient. Be consistent. Success never happens overnight.

I’m not sure what you’re going through right now, but I believe you can get through your challenges and find success.

Most people give up on their dreams too soon, and too easily. Don’t let this happen to you. Don’t give up. Face your fears. The changes you are seeking in your life won’t manifest until you do.

I’m here to support you. Your loved ones in Spirit are guiding you too. Have confidence. I know what I’m talking about.

This is all for now. Feel free to write and I will respond asap. Wishing you a great week.

All the love

James Weeks

Author Meditations Across The King’s River

P.S. Still available for spiritual readings.

P.S.S. Signed copies of my book are still available.