“Don’t think – FEEL. Don’t think- SENSE. Don’t think – become aware.” I’ve just returned from a week-long workshop with mediums and mystics, and they all say that they strive not to think when they communicate with the Spirit World. They say thinking interferes with the flow of messages from the Spirit World. It’s like “dropping a call” on your cell phone.

“A good medium has no brain,” they say. Although most of us have been raised since childhood to “think before we speak,” mediums say their goal when linking with Spirit is: “speak before you think.” Just start a sentence, I was told, trust the words, images and impressions that come to you. Then, have the courage to “give what you get” to the client.

Mediums attune themselves to the Spirit world in order to relay messages of comfort and inspiration from our ancestors. When done correctly, mediumship is healing and can be life-changing. Although some mediums are born with the gift, others develop it through years of dedicated training and practice. “There’s no such thing as a developed medium,” I was told. Rather, it’s a life-long journey of continuous learning and refinement.

Granted, most people have no desire to be mediums. But how can we use some of their techniques to improve every-day life? For starters, try not to rely on your brain for everything. Sense what your life’s purpose is. Feel whether someone loves you or not. Become aware of the presence of your ancestors around you. Let your intuition tell you whether you are on the right path or not. Sense what your next step should be – and then take it.

For those of us who are diviners, how can these techniques help improve our readings? Don’t over-analyze or rely only on memory. Go with the feeling of the odus. Sense what Ifa is guiding you to say. Think of your entire body as an opele. If it feels right, it’s right; if it doesn’t feel right it’s not right. Allow yourself to flow with the unlimited energy of the orisas. Always remember that the reading is not about you; it’s about the message. Trust it and deliver it.
